
Modernising Access to Social Protection: Strategies, Technologies and Data Advances in OECD Countries

Submitted by pmassetti on (28.05.2024) Despite having advanced social protection systems, OECD countries still face challenges in identifying, enrolling, and providing benefits and services to all those in need. Even when programmes are well-designed and adequately funded, cumbersome enrolment processes and challenges in service and benefit delivery can be an obstacle to the full take-up of social programmes. Advances in digital technologies and data can go a long way towards making social protection more accessible and effective.
Global challenges
Service delivery
Document Type

Playbook on Digital Social Protection Delivery Systems: Towards Dynamic Inclusion and Interoperability

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.05.2024) The Playbook on Digital Social Protection Delivery Systems (DSPDS) offers a modular DSPDS framework for a holistic approach to data management, analytics, and decision support to scale-up the delivery of social protection to people in a time of expanding crises. The Playbook comprises a Guidance Note and an Assessment Tool designed. for social protection policy makers and practitioners working in low- and middle-income countries.
Information and communication technology
Document Type

Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space

Submitted by pmassetti on (23.04.2024) The primary aim of the study is to provide updated estimates of the financing gap to attain universal coverage for social protection floors. This estimation encompasses 133 low- and middle-income countries, and includes five income security guarantees (for children, persons with severe disabilities, mothers of newborns, older persons and the unemployed), together with essential health care.  Estimates show that, for low- and middle-income countries, the financing gap to achieve universal coverage of social protection floors is 3.3 per cent of GDP annually.
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Scaling Up Social Assistance Where Data is Scarce - Opportunities and Limits of Novel Data and AI

Submitted by pmassetti on (16.05.2024) During the recent Covid-19 shock (2020/21), most countries used cash transfers to protect the livelihoods of those affected by the pandemic or by restrictions on mobility or economic activities, including the poor and vulnerable. While a large majority of countries mobilized existing programs and/or administrative databases to expand support to new beneficiaries, countries without such programs or databases were severely limited in their capacity to respond.

Artificial intelligence
Data analytics
Document Type

EU: Study on poverty and income inequality in the context of the digital transformation

Submitted by pmassetti on (13.05.2024) As European labour markets become increasingly digitalised, concerns about inequality and poverty are increasing. This study, completed for the European Commission, seeks to investigate these concerns further. Part A focuses on how prepared EU Member States are to manage the digital transformation in a socially fair manner. It develops 27 country fiches assessing the current and future prospects of each EU Member State.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital inclusion
Service quality
Document Type

Cash transfer, maternal and child health outcomes: a scoping review in sub-Saharan Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

Cash Transfer (CT) programmes can improve maternal and child health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. However, studies assessing the effectiveness of these programmes on maternal and child health outcomes (MCH), beyond nutritional outcomes and service utilisation, remain inconclusive. We synthesized current empirical evidence on the effectiveness of these programmes in improving MCH outcomes and suggested a framework for reporting such outcomes.

Cash transfers
Document Type

Implementation Guide – Good Practices For Ensuring Data Protection And Privacy In Social Protection Systems

Submitted by pmassetti on

SPIAC-B (2024) This Implementation Guide is designed for professionals involved in developing, implementing, and expanding social protection systems, particularly non-contributory schemes, or 'social assistance'. Targeted at national and local government partners, policymakers, social protection authorities, programme managers, social workers, civil society organizations, donors, and the private sector, the guide is also valuable for development and humanitarian agency staff supporting these efforts.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Data management
Document Type

Registration: Key Concepts, Approaches and Strategies to Include Informal Workers

Submitted by pmassetti on (February 2024) In this briefing note we review the current debates on strategies, challenges and opportunities regarding registration in the context of social protection. In the first part, we will present the key concepts, approaches and debates on registration and situating it in the overall social protection system. The second section highlights the basic registration strategies, including outreach and awareness. We examine on-demand, census sweeps and other methods using existing data.

Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

Report: Digital labour platforms in Kenya: Exploring women’s opportunities and challenges across various sectors

Submitted by pmassetti on (04.04,2024) While Kenya has made significant strides towards achieving gender equality, the findings of the report shows that significant gaps remain in the realm of digital labour platforms. Women in most sectors earn less than men and have lower access to social security benefits. The existing regulation fails to recognize most of the women workers on location-based and online platform work as employees, as a result excluding women from basic labor rights and protections.

Regions / Country
Document Type

Combining Part-Time Work and Social Benefits: Empirical Evidence from Finland

Submitted by pmassetti on

IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (April 2024) We use detailed, population-wide data from Finland to provide evidence of the impact of earnings disregard policies on part-time work during unemployment spells, and describe the longer-run trends in combining part-time work and social benefits. We find that part-time work while receiving unemployment benefits is strongly concentrated in the service and social and health care sectors, and that women participate in part-time work much more commonly than men (25% vs. 12% of benefit recipients).

Regions / Country
Document Type