
Expanding Social Security May Pay for Itself! Higher Benefits May Decrease Alzheimer's and Dementia 

Submitted by monitor on (07.10.2015) Public health experts quip that when it comes to your health, your zip code can be more important than your genetic code. They understand that there are many factors that are crucial to health outcomes, and a major one is financial security and stability. Groundbreaking new research, showing that increasing Social Security's modest benefits may delay or even avert Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, proves just how profound that quip is.



Madagascar – De la protection sociale pour les paysans

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L'Express de Madagascar (05.10.2015) Des laissés pour compte. Les paysans qui représentent les 85% de la population ne bénéficient pas encore de protection sociale. Or, ils travaillent dur pour subvenir à leurs besoins quotidiens et pour assurer le rôle de moteur du développement du pays. Pour redresser cette inégalité en matière de sécurisation sociale, la Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNaPS) étudie les conditions et les formes possibles de couverture sociale pour que les paysans puissent bénéficier de tous les avantages qu’elle offre à tous ses adhérents.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

[Report] WHO/Europe: New evidence: how the economic crisis has affected health systems and health in Europe

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Euro WHO (07.09.2015) Economic shocks pose a threat to health and health system performance by increasing people's requirements for health care and, at the same time, making access to care more difficult. The financial and economic crisis has had a visible but varied impact on many health systems in Europe, eliciting a wide range of responses from governments facing fiscal pressure.

Regions / Country
Health insurance

International Day of Older Persons: More than half of the world’s older persons lack quality long-term care

Submitted by monitor on (28.09.2015) A new ILO study reveals a global shortfall of 13.6 million care workers undermining the delivery of quality services to more than half of the world’s older persons.

Population ageing
Long-term care


France: Sécu: pour la Cour des comptes, l'équilibre est reporté à un horizon indéfini

Submitted by monitor on (15.09.2015) Le déficit de l'assurance maladie sera de 7,2 milliards d'euros cette année. Ce montant, encore trop important, reporte le retour de l'équilibre financier au-delà de l'année 2020, estime la Cour des comptes, qui, dans son touffu rapport formule plusieurs recommandations pour réduire le trou de la Sécurité sociale.

Regions / Country


WHO: Countries urged to make universal health coverage a reality

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The Jakarta Post (13.09.2015) The World Health Organization (WHO) South-East Asia Region has called on member countries to focus their efforts on providing affordable and quality health services to all who need them, as nearly 400 million people still do not have access to essential health services globally.

