
Sweden: Partial unemployment - Sick pay - Deferral of contributions

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government.se (16.03.2020) Liquidity reinforcement via tax accounts Under this proposal, companies can defer payment of employers’ social security contributions, preliminary tax on salaries and value added tax that are reported monthly or quarterly. Company payment respite covers tax payments for three months and is granted for up to 12 months. This replaces the previously presented proposal. It is proposed that the new regulations take effect on 7 April 2020, but can be retroactively applied from 1 January 2020.

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Health insurance
Contribution collection and compliance
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Sweden: Introduction of short-term layoffs

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government.se (16.03.2020) The crisis package now presented can – depending on how the situation develops – encompass more than SEK 300 billion if the entire liquidity reinforcement through tax accounts is used.

Short-term layoffs introduced today

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OECD: Report: Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus: Options for an immediate employment and social-policy response

Submitted by pmassetti on

OECD (20.03.2020) Many affected countries introduced or announced bold measures over the last days and weeks, often with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable who are bearing a disproportionate share of the burden. This note and the accompanying policy table contribute to evidence-sharing on the role and effectiveness of various policy tools.

Cash sickness benefits
Family benefits
Prevention of occupational risks


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Freelancers fight for support through coronavirus crisis

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Financial Times (20.02.2020) The crisis has illuminated stark differences between the employed and freelancers. Many countries are grappling with how to deal with their self-employed workforces losing income. In Greece, payments of €800 will be issued, as well as tax holidays. The Norwegian government is proposing to compensate self-employed workers for lost earnings up to 80 per cent of their salaries, while the Danes will receive up to 75 per cent.

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Austria: Short-time work facilitation

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sn.at (16.03.2020) Weil die aktuelle Krise die Unternehmen vor akute Liquiditätsprobleme stellt, gibt es wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber dem bisherigen Kurzarbeitsmodell. So konnte es bisher bis zu sechs Wochen dauern, bis Kurzarbeit beantragt werden konnte, diese Zeit wird nun auf 48 Stunden verkürzt.

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Norway: Measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs

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regjeringen.no ( 13.03.2020) the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures: 

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Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial en Uruguay

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bps.gub.uy (19.03.2020) El Banco de Previsión Social se encuentra trabajando para implementar el nuevo subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales, dispuesto por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Se informa a las empresas que requieran gestionar el amparo a este régimen que deberán, dentro de los primeros 10 días del mes siguiente de producirse la reducción de días u horas trabajados, enviar al BPS el listado de trabajadores que cumplan las condiciones de derecho. El pago del subsidio se realizará durante el mes siguiente de producida dicha reducción.

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Belgique: des mesures prises pour aider les entreprises

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lesoir.be (06.03.2020) L’ensemble de ces mesures visent, d’une part, à permettre aux entreprises touchées de mettre leurs salariés en chômage temporaire afin de préserver l’emploi et, d’autre part, à prévoir des modalités d’étalement, de report, de dispense de paiement de cotisations sociales, précomptes et impôts, pour les entreprises et les indépendants. Le chômage temporaire pour force majeure sera prolongé de trois mois, jusqu’au 30 juin 2020. Il pourra également être invoqué dans l’attente de la reconnaissance du statut d’entreprise en difficulté.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
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Suisse: Coronavirus : Un train de mesures pour atténuer les conséquences économiques

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admin.ch (20.03.2020) L’objectif de ces mesures, qui s’adressent à différents groupes cibles, est de sauvegarder les emplois, de garantir les salaires et de soutenir les indépendants. Report du versement des contributions aux assurances sociales, extension du chômage partiel et simplification des démarches, indemnités en cas de perte de gain pour les indépendants, allocations pour pertes de gain pour les salariés, etc ....

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Contribution collection and compliance
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