Who shares in the European sharing economy?
blogs.worldbank.org (23.05.2017) Data on the sharing economy (Uber, Airbnb and so on) are scarce, but a recent study estimates that the revenue growth of these platforms has been dramatic.
blogs.worldbank.org (23.05.2017) Data on the sharing economy (Uber, Airbnb and so on) are scarce, but a recent study estimates that the revenue growth of these platforms has been dramatic.
lemonde.fr (09.05.2017) La dernière évaluation prospective du cabinet McKinsey sur l’impact du numérique sur le marché du travail est relativement optimiste pour la France.
MilTech (22.05.2017) Getting women into employment, integrating migrants, sustainable global supply chains and the future of work were the main topics at the meeting of G20 labour ministers. A joint declaration on key employment issues was adopted at the end of the meeting.
Business Insider (26.05.2017) In his Harvard University commencement speech Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocated for exploring a system in which all people receive a standard salary just for being alive, no questions asked.
ft.com (26.04.2017) Move to ensure all workers have health insurance and unemployment benefits
Les Echos (02.05.2017) L’automatisation pourrait faire disparaître près de 70 % des emplois dans les pays en voie de développement, selon le directeur de l’institution.
Business Insider (01.05.2017) World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said about two-thirds of jobs in the developing world may be lost to automation.
ILO blog (02.05.2017) The recent wave of innovation and technological change has sparked a lively debate on the future of work. Some believe that technological innovations will destroy jobs on a massive scale, forecasting a jobless future.
Libération (07.05.2017) Un décret prévoit que les sites cotiseront pour les accidents du travail et la formation des indépendants qui travaillent pour eux. La disposition est loin de soulever l'enthousiasme des principaux concernés.