Namibia: Conference on social protection schemes opens

Submitted by monitor on Thu, 07/09/2015 - 08:55

The Namibian (09.07.2015) Labour, industrial relations and employment creation minister Erkki Nghimtina says the Social Security Commission (SSC) of Namibia is working hard to establish the National Pension Fund and the National Medical Benefit Fund as mandated by the Social Security Act, 1994.

Regions / Country


‘Cynical’ EU blamed for 100,000 workplace-related cancers

Submitted by monitor on Thu, 07/09/2015 - 07:31

EurActiv (08.07.2015) The European Commission’s drive to simplify legislation for businesses – the Better Regulation Agenda – has come under fire from trade unions for blocking EU laws that could save thousands of lives per year.

Regions / Country
european union
Occupational accidents and diseases


Development financing conference to agree 'concrete' action on social protection, aid delivery : UN official

Submitted by monitor on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 14:09 (08.07.2015) The senior United Nations official who will act as head of the upcoming Third International Conference of Financing for Development, to be held in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, announced today that among the meeting's "concrete deliverables" would be a commitment to establish a new technology bank for the least developed countries by 2017.

Extension of coverage

France: La botte secrète de la Sécu pour économiser 3 milliards en trois ans

Submitted by monitor on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 13:33

Le Parisien (02.07.2015) Peut mieux faire. Alors que d'importants efforts ont déjà été accomplis ces derniers années, la Sécurité sociale propose de nouvelles mesures imparables pour réduire son déficit censé être abaissé à 13 milliards d'euros en 2015.

Regions / Country


Grecia pide tres años de rescate a cambio de reformar ya las pensiones

Submitted by monitor on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 13:22

El País (08.07.2015) Atenas ha cumplido a mediodía de este miércoles la primera condición para evitar su salida del euro: el Gobierno griego ha formalizado ya la solicitud del tercer programa de ayuda financiera al mecanismo europeo de rescate (Mede), un bazuca de medio billón de euros creado en la fase más aguda de la crisis europea. “La solicitud ha llegado”, ha confirmado a este diario un portavoz del Mede.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Service quality