Brazil: Proof of Life for retired civil servants, pensioners and amnesties is suspended until October 31

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Ministry of Economy (28.09.2020) The requirement of the annual Proof of Life (re-registration) of retired civil servants, pensioners and civil political amnesties referred to in Ordinance No. 244 and Normative Instruction No. 45, both of June 15, 2020, is suspended until October 31, 2020.

measures summary

The requirement of the annual Proof of Life (re-registration) of retired civil servants, pensioners and civil political amnesties is suspended until October 31, 2020 to reduce the possibility of contagion of beneficiaries. 

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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

The requirement of the annual Proof of Life (re-registration) of retired civil servants, pensioners and civil political amnesties referred to in Ordinance No. 244 and Normative Instruction No. 45, both of June 15, 2020, is suspended until October 31, 2020.

The determination was published this Monday (September 28), in Normative Instruction No. 93 , of September 25, 2020, which amended Normative Instruction No. 22, of March 18, 2020, which had initially suspended the Proof of Life mandatory annual basis for 120 days until July 16, 2020, and also Normative Instruction No. 52, of July 6, 2020, which extended the suspension until September 30, 2020, as a protective measure in coping with the public health emergency arising of the coronavirus.

 The purpose of the extension is to reduce the possibility of contagion of beneficiaries who undergo the annual re-registration process, who are mostly elderly and considered more vulnerable to the worsening and dissemination of Covid-19. The measure, however, does not affect the receipt of benefits and pensions from beneficiaries who have had their anniversary since January 2020 and have not yet taken the annual Life Test.

Beneficiaries who, exceptionally, had their payment suspended before the publication of IN 22 may request, according to Normative Instruction No. 29, of April 1, 2020, their reinstatement. Just access the People Management System (Sigepe) and select, in Request , the document Reestablishment of Payment - Covid-19 . The beneficiary will receive an announcement of whether or not their application has been granted by email sent automatically by Sigepe.

 The Personnel Management Unit of each body and entity of the Federal Public Administration, upon confirmation of approval, should perform an exceptional reinstatement, obeying the monthly payroll schedule.

 The Secretariat for Personnel Management and Performance of the Ministry of Economy, the central body of personnel management of the Federal Public Administration, will subsequently establish the deadline and form for carrying out the proof of life of those who were included in the suspension of the annual Proof of Life. , as well as those whose payment was exceptionally reinstated by request via Sigepe's Request.