Slovakia: Pandemic nursing benefits

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Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (17.07.2020) Parents are entitled to pandemic nursing who, during a crisis situation (from 12 March 2020 until its end) related to the spread of Covid-19: treat a sick child up to the age of 16, provide personal and full-time care for a child under 11 years of age, or 18 years of age with a long-term unfavorable health condition. 

Other sickness insured persons are also entitled to pandemic nursing care if they provide care for a descendant (child, grandson, great-grandson) or ancestor (parent, grandparent, grandparent), sibling, spouse, wife, or parent of the spouse if if the social services facility in which the social service is provided to such a person on an outpatient or residential form has been closed by a decision of the competent authorities.

The amount of pandemic nursing is approximately 70% of the net wage (for the insured with an average wage). 

measures summary

Parents are entitled to pandemic nursing who, during a crisis situation: treat a sick child up to the age of 16, provide personal and full-time care for a child under 11 years of age, or 18 years of age with a long-term unfavorable health condition. Other sickness insured persons are also entitled to pandemic nursing care if they provide care for a descendant (child, grandson, great-grandson) or ancestor (parent, grandparent), sibling, spouse, or parent of the spouse. The amount of pandemic nursing is approximately 70% of the net wage.

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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

Who is entitled to pandemic nursing homes (pandemic OČR)?

Parents (including surrogate parents and adoptive parents) are entitled to pandemic nursing homes who, during a crisis situation (from 12 March 2020 until its end) related to the spread of Covid-19:

  • treat a sick child up to the age of 16,
  • provide personal and full-time care for a child under 11 years of age, or 18 years of age, if it is a child with a long-term unfavorable health condition, if
    • the child has been ordered to have quarantine scalds or isolation,
    • if the person who is normally caring for the child (eg a parent on parental leave) has been quarantined, isolated or if such a person has become ill and therefore it is necessary to provide care for the child,
    • the pre-school facility, school or social services facility that the child attends has been closed by decision of the competent authority.
  • provide personal and full-time care for the child after the end of the right to parental allowance resp. maternal if the parent received it until the child reached the age of three.

Other sickness insured persons are also entitled to pandemic nursing care if they provide care for a descendant (child, grandson, great-grandson) or ancestor (parent, grandparent, grandparent), sibling, spouse, wife, or parent of the spouse if if the social services facility in which the social service is provided to such a person on an outpatient or residential form has been closed by a decision of the competent authorities .

What needs to be reported to the employer in this case?

If you are entitled to pandemic nursing, you can apply for a so-called an obstacle to work that the employer is obliged to accept. This means that your employer must release you from work while you are receiving nursing care. Given that schools, preschool facilities and social services facilities are closed on the basis of a decision of the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic (published HERE ), in the case of drawing nursing care for parents, it is necessary to prove to the employer (if he does not know) only that you are a parent (adoptive parent, person to whom the child has been entrusted). In any case, it is always necessary to inform the employer that you are applying an obstacle at work. If you will be receiving nursing care for reasons other than the closure of schools, pre-schools and social services, or you will be receiving nursing care for the care of a sick family member other than a child, it is also necessary to agree with the employer on how to prevent them from working. You will demonstrate.

How long can a pandemic nurse be taken?

A pandemic nursing home may be admitted for the duration of the crisis , provided that one of the conditions for entitlement to the pandemic nursing home persists (eg closure of schools or social services at the discretion of the competent authority, illness of a child under 16 year of age, etc ...).

What is the height of the pandemic nurse?

The amount of pandemic nursing is approximately 70% of the net wage (for the insured with an average wage). This is 55% of the daily assessment base determined on a maximum of twice the average wage two years ago. Please note the details of which period the salary is determined from HERE .

Is an insured person who cares for more than one child / relative entitled to more than one pandemic nursing home?

No . Only one pandemic infirmary belongs to the same period of treatment for several people.

Can policyholders take turns in treating / therefore receiving a pandemic nurse?

Yes . However, each policyholder must submit a separate application. For example, if the child is alternately cared for by both sickness-insured parents, they must both apply for nursing and at the end of the month both send a social statement to the Social Insurance Agency ( TU form ), during which days the child was cared for by the mother and during which days by the father. The social insurance company then pays the nursing allowance to each of the parents for the days during which he took care of the child. It should be recalled that each parent has their own amount of pandemic nursing care, which is based on his salary and only one parent can take care of the child at a time.

How to apply for a pandemic nursing home?

It is necessary to apply for a pandemic nursing home from the locally relevant branch of the Social Insurance Agency by telephone (however, the lines may be congested), by post or by e-mail (more information HERE ). For the entire period of receiving the pandemic nursing care, only one application is enough for each insured person. This also applies if the insured person submitted a request for nursing allowance before 12.3.2020, if the entitlement to a pandemic nursing home continues from this date. The application does not need to be submitted in advance. It is sufficient to send it at the end of the month together with a solemn declaration as to which days the insured provided the care.