Coronavirus: Luxembourg introduces extraordinary leave for family reasons in response to Coronavirus

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measures summary

Article 1 of the Grand Ducal Regulation is supplemented by a leave (in addition to the existing one for progressive cancer and pathologies resulting in a two-week acute hospitalization) available in situations in which a parent can no longer go to work because he/she has to keep his/ her children under 13 years of age quarantined upon the order of the competent authorities. The provision also applies to situations resulting from the closure of the various school and care structures (as will be the case for the next few days). Leave for family reasons may be taken in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis by a parent of a child:
- who was born on or after 1 September 2015 and is dependent on the applicant;
- a child under the age of 13 who normally attends school but whose school has been closed or classes are still suspended for reasons directly linked to the health crisis or who cannot be taken in by any school or childcare structure because of the implementation of a scheme for alternating pupils' attendance or the application of imposed barrier measures, subject to producing a certificate attesting the situation issued by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth;
- according to the CSMI recommendations, a child is deemed vulnerable if it is suffering from a respiratory or cardiac pathology or is immuno-depressed.
If necessary, parents may alternate taking leave for family reasons. In this case, each parent must send in a separate form.
Parents of children with a disability who are between 13 and 18 years old (or up to the age of 25) may benefit from the leave for family reasons provided they receive the special supplementary allowance for disabled children from the CAE. This extraordinary leave for family reasons in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is limited in time and will not affect the balance of ordinary leave for family reasons. It is treated separately from ordinary leave for family reasons.

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