Denmark: One-time grant of DKK 1,000

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Ministry of employment (16.06.2020) A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

measures summary

A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

Overview: These individuals are eligible for a one-time grant of DKK 1,000.

The agreement on the recovery of the Danish economy stipulates that beneficiaries receive a tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000. The subsidy is not offset in the citizen's public benefits.

On June 15, the Government, the Left, the Radical Left, the Socialist People's Party, the Unity List, the Conservative People's Party and the Alternative agreed on a number of initiatives aimed at stimulating the Danish economy.

A partial payment of the frozen holiday funds is made to keep the hand during private consumption. However, not all Danish citizens want frozen holiday funds. In particular, citizens on a public benefit will not receive holiday allowance.

Therefore, a tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

If you receive one of these benefits, you are eligible for the one-time allowance:

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Cash assistance
  • education Help
  • Rehabilitation / pre-validation
  • Self-support and return travel allowance as well as transitional allowance
  • Sickness
  • Jobafklaringsforløb
  • resource Flow
  • maternity
  • Lost work earnings children with disabilities
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Unemployment
  • SU receivers
  • Social Insurance
  • Early retirement
  • Early retirement
  • senior Pension
  • Sheltered jobs
  • flexible benefit
  • Grants for self-employed persons with reduced ability to work