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Big Data system of NHIS, Korea - ISSA - WSSF 2016
Measuring the Information Society Report
The Measuring the Information Society Report, which has been published annually since 2009, features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society, including the ICT Development Index (IDI).
Cybersanté: Les Suisses bientôt maîtres de leurs données médicales?
TDG (26.08.2016) Cybersanté: L’audition des ordonnances de la loi fédérale sur le dossier électronique du patient a pris fin le 29 juin dernier. La loi devrait entrer en vigueur courant 2017
Assurance Maladie Obligatoire : Une 1ère application mobile pour le Maroc (04.10.2016) La Caisse Nationale des Organismes de Prévoyance Sociale (CNOPS) a développé sa 1re application mobile, "Smart CNOPS", afin de permettre à ses assurés du secteur public et les étudiants, de suivre sur leurs smartphones ou tablettes, les prestations d’assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO).
US: 'Big data' could mean big problems for people's healthcare privacy (11.10.2016) The future of the U.S. healthcare system will be influenced to a large extent by a company that makes weapons of war.
US: Social Security CIO: IT modernization can't be 'safe, comfortable' (12.10.2016) “I can’t build systems today that miss whatever the next iPhone thing is," Rob Klopp said.
Innovation: Medical delivery drones to transform Rwanda's health system
PulseNews (14.10.2016) "Three, two, one, launch!" And with that, catapulted from a ramp, the small fixed-wing drone buzzes into the air towards its pre-programmed destination, the Kabgayi hospital two kilometres away.
India: UAN is a must for smooth transfer of Provident Fund
The Economic Times (13.10.2016) Universal Account Number (UAN) has been made mandatory for all individuals covered under the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. This means that from now on, along with the transfer requests, managing your EPF account and even PF withdrawals will become much easier than before