Shocks & extreme events

Norway: Extension of unemployment benefit

Submitted by mmarquez on (03.11.2020) The temporary increased unemployment benefit rate was to go down to the normal level from January 2021, but will now be extended until March.   - Increased uncertainty due to infection control measures means that the government is waiting to reintroduce the normal unemployment benefit rate, the minister says. 

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Norway: Care allowance for parents doubled until March 2021

Submitted by mmarquez on (03.11.2020) The care allowance rules will be extended until June 2021, and the quotas will also be doubled in 2021. This means that a family next year will be entitled to at least 40 days of care allowance, compared with 20 days in a normal situation. In addition, the rules on sickness benefits in the event of infection or suspected infection will be extended until March.  

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Parental leave
Document Type

Norwary: Extension of sickness, care and unemployment benefits

Submitted by mmarquez on (03.11.2020) Effective until March 2021: right to sickness benefits in the event of absence from work due to covid-19 or suspicion of such illness. It is specified that persons who violate the travel guidelines of national authorities and are required to quarantine on return to Norway may be denied sickness benefits.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

England: Extended furlough scheme to March 2021

Submitted by mmarquez on (07.11.2020) As part of the announcement of month-long restrictions in England, including the closure of pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops, furlough was initially extended until December. But Chancellor Rishi Sunak has now said it will run until the end of March, although the government will review the policy in January.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges


Document Type

Belgium: Temporary unemployment due to the closure of a nursery, a school or a reception center for disabled people

Submitted by siha on

Federal Public Service Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue (30.10.2020). The law of 23 October 2020 extends, as October 1st, to salaried workers the benefit of the temporary unemployment scheme for force majeure due to corona in the event of the closure of the school, daycare or reception center for disabled people of their child introduced.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Italy: Postponement of contributions payment

Submitted by cambrosio on

29.10.2020 (

The Ristori Decree establishes the postponement of payment of Inps social security contributions and Inail premiums for compulsory insurance, due in November 2020. The payment deadline is 16 March 2021, in a single payment or in four equal monthly instalments.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Italy: two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM)

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

For the months of November and December, two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM) will be paid out, starting from 400 euros, to all those who were already entitled to it and to those who, in September, had a family income of less than the amount of the benefit.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Italy: Ristori Decree: compensation for seasonal workers, workers in the sports and entertainment sector

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

An allowance of € 800 (up to a maximum of € 124 million for the year 2020) will be paid (by the company Sport e Salute S.p.A.) in November 2020 to workers employed in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, amateur sports clubs and associations.
Furthermore, an indemnity of 1,000 euros is provided for seasonal workers in tourism and spas (including those with temporary contracts), entertainment workers, door-to-door salesmen.


Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type