
Pension payments and pandemics – four potential policy responses

Submitted by pmassetti on (14.05.2020) The economic downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having a major impact on global labor and financial markets – which in turn will have significant effects on pension systems.  Crucially, policy responses will need to strike a balance between the immediate protection of vulnerable groups and ensuring that our pension systems remain able to deliver retirement income in the future as the global population ages. Here, we propose four important policy questions to be considered as governments grapple with this challenge:

Global challenges


Document Type

How to finance social protection in developing countries in the age of COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO (13.05.2020) The pandemic has highlighted something that had been almost forgotten by policy makers across the world in the past few decades; the importance of expenditure in public health and social protection systems.

Extension of coverage


Document Type

Universal Basic Income is gathering support. Has it ever worked – and could it work in the UK?

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.05.2020)Spain has just taken the first step towards it. Many feel the UK needs it. So is UBI a Utopian ideal, or a necessary salvation?

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean proposes Universal Basic Income

Submitted by pmassetti on (22.05.2020) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a regional organism of the United Nations Secretariat has declared itself in favour of a new regime of welfare and social protection that includes the gradual, progressive and sustained establishment of universal basic income in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Document Type

En Afrique et ailleurs, l’épidémie de « PochVid-20 »

Submitted by pmassetti on (18.05.2020) Dans les pays en développement, les activités informelles concernent les deux tiers de l’emploi, et les quartiers informels abritent entre un tiers et deux tiers des citadins, selon les pays. Ce secteur informel est touché de plein fouet par la crise liée au Covid-19. Les médias d’Afrique francophone parlent d’une épidémie de « PochVid-20 », plus dangereuse qu’un coronavirus.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage


Document Type

Bolivia: Bono Familia ampliado

Submitted by socpro on

abi (05.04.2020) The national government regulated the health guidelines, the prioritization of economic resources, and expanded the payment of the Family Bonus to students with disabilities in the public system, in addition to carrying out a communication strategy, through the promulgation of Supreme Decree 4205 that regulates Law 1293 for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of the Infection by the coronavirus COVID-19.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Bolivia: El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía

Submitted by socpro on

PERIODICO BOLIVIA (05.04.2020) The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage. The municipality of El Alto, headed by the mayor Soledad Chapetón, also distributes a bonus of Bs 200 per year to 34 thousand pre-school children.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Bolivia: Extended Family Bonus

Submitted by socpro on

Los Tiempos (08.04.2020) Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Document Type

Colombia: Reducción temporal al aporte a pensiones

Submitted by socpro on (12.05.2020) Suspension of pension contributions for workers and employers for a period of three months, guaranteeing the payment of provisional insurance of 3% (of which 75% is covered by the employer, and 25% by the employee; self-employed persons cover all 3%). Under normal circumstances, the pension contribution is 16%, with the employer contributing 12% and the employee contributing the remaining 4%.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

El Bono Universial

Submitted by socpro on

Se otorga por única vez un Bono Universal equivalente a Bs500.- (QUINIENTOS 00/100 BOLIVIANOS) a todos los bolivianos desde los dieciocho (18) años cumplidos hasta los menores de sesenta (60) años. Decreto Supremo 4215.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type