
A Digital Bridge to Social Support

Submitted by pmassetti on

Project Syndicate (16.06.2021) During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide have taken advantage of technological solutions to streamline social-protection schemes. But, for all its benefits, a digital approach to welfare programs implies an obvious risk: exclusion of those on the wrong side of the digital divide.

Digital inclusion


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed challenge to Obamacare

Submitted by pmassetti on (18.06.2021) The US Supreme Court has rejected a Trump-backed challenge by Republican-led states to former President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul. Despite the court's conservative tilt, its nine justices ruled by 7-2 that the challengers did not have legal standing to sue. It is the third time since 2010 that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare, has survived a challenge. The law gave millions of low-income Americans access to medical insurance.

Regions / Country
United States
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Little-known facts about time off for new fathers

Submitted by pmassetti on (18.06.2021) Parental leave is a good thing, according to 90% of men who take it. Each month of paternity leave can increase a mother’s earnings by 6.7%. Billions of dollars in economic output is lost every year because women shoulder the burden of childcare.

Family benefits
Document Type

Biden administration can't stop state exits from unemployment programs

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Labor Department determined it doesn’t have the legal authority to stop states from opting out of federal unemployment programs early, according to an agency official. The programs have offered unemployment benefits to millions of people since the early days of the Covid pandemic. The American Rescue Plan extended them to Sept. 6. Twenty-five states, all led by Republican governors, are withdrawing early. The earliest are doing so effective Saturday, June 12.

Regions / Country
United States


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Govt looks to widen social protection, use single database

Submitted by pmassetti on

Free Malaysia Today (FMT) (08.06.2021) Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says the government is looking to bolster the country’s social safety net programme with a definitive database. Muhyiddin said that he chaired a Malaysian Social Protection Council (MySPC) meeting via video conferencing today, during which the issue of strengthening the national social safety net was discussed. He added it included expanding the protection schemes under the Social Security Organisation (Socso) to groups that were not covered previously.

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Data management


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Brazil to extend emergency cash transfers to poor for 2 months

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters - Brazil’s government plans to extend an emergency cash transfer program to relieve poor families during the coronavirus pandemic for another two months, a government official with knowledge of the matter told Reuters on Monday. The 250 reais-per-month handout, to be financed with an extraordinary credit of 12 billion reais ($2.38 billion), will be paid in August and September, continuing a program started last year and revived for four months in April, the source said. ($1 = 5.04 reais)

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Cash transfers
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Bangladesh expands social protection plan to shake off pandemic effects

Submitted by pmassetti on (03.06.2021) Bangladesh has expanded its social safety net programmes by increasing the budgetary allocation by 12.5 percent in the fiscal year 2021-22 as part of the efforts to alleviate the plight of lower-income and vulnerable groups which have been hit hardest by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

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Asia and Africa find ways to plug COVID health gaps

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (27.05.2021) Innovative solutions have been developed across Africa and Asia to deal with the increasing demand for health workers and services due to COVID-19. These include the use of drones, solar-powered freezers and utilizing Pakistan's unemployed doctors. In a pandemic, these solutions can be the deciding factor between effectively managing the virus and not.

Global challenges


Document Type

Italy: Extension of the layoff ban

Submitted by cambrosio on (07.04.2021)

The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social shock nets in derogation (mainly tertiary sector).

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Global challenges


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Turkey: Extension of regulation barring layoffs

Submitted by cambrosio on (26.05.2021)

The Turkish government's Pandemic Social Support Program has provided relief for more than 6 million people, Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık said. The program covers everything from cash aid to the distribution of free food across the country, where the ongoing coronavirus pandemic negatively impacted the income of millions. The regulation barring layoffs during the pandemic would be extended for another three months.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


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