UK: MPs say cuts are 'false economy' in drive to improve poor people's health
The Guardian (01.09.2016) Health select committee says government must fulfil health pledges and take on big industry interests to tackle childhood obesity and diabetes
The Guardian (01.09.2016) Health select committee says government must fulfil health pledges and take on big industry interests to tackle childhood obesity and diabetes
Jornada UNAM (28.08.2016) Con motivo del Día Nacional del Adulto Mayor, que se conmemora este 28 de agosto, Verónica Montes de Oca, del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS), y Marissa Vivaldo Martínez, académica de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Zaragoza de la UNAM, señalaron que el principal recurso económico del que dispone este sector es el apoyo familiar o de la comunidad, y sólo el 25 por ciento es beneficiario de una jubilación o pensión económica. (17.09.2016) The government and the World Food Programme (WFP) on Wednesday launched a central database registry to gather information of beneficiaries of all social protection services in the country. (02.09.2016) A large share of the population in Uganda is still economically vulnerable, despite a remarkable reduction in poverty in recent decades.
L'Obs (06.10.2016) Dans un rapport dévoilé ce mercredi, la Cour des comptes préconise de simplifier et repenser les aides à l'emploi pour les jeunes en intensifiant la formation tout en réduisant l'accompagnement.
Manilatimes (26.10.2016) Low income electricity consumers will be protected through direct and indirect social protection measures under the tax reform program submitted to the Congress last month by the Department of Finance (DOF
Bloomberg (24.11.2016) Chile, Mexico and the U.S. are the developed countries with the highest rates of inequality, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said in a report.
Saudi Gazette (22.11.2016) The Ministry of Labor and Social Development deposited social insurance money to 70 percent of families on social insurance. (25.11.2016) Selon une étude de l’OCDE, qui regroupe trente-cinq pays, la reprise économique peut aboutir à la hausse des inégalités lorsqu’elle dope les revenus du capital.
ILO (09.12.2016) A new ILO report calls for a combination of incentives and compliance to reduce high levels of informality in domestic work.