
Deutschland: Lohnuntergrenze - Ohne Mindestlohn gäbe es heute 60.000 Jobs mehr

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Die Welt (19.12.2016) Seit zwei Jahren müssen Firmen ihren Beschäftigten Mindestlohn zahlen, 2017 steigt dieser nochmals an. Wirtschaftsforscher ziehen eine verheerende Bilanz - zum Unmut von Arbeitsministerin Nahles.

Regions / Country

Safety Nets Are Becoming Game Changers for Disaster Response in Southern Africa

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www.worldbank.org (10.01.2017) Southern Africa has been hit by its worst drought in 35 years. An estimated 32 million people are food insecure. Poverty is expected to rise, jeopardizing decades of hard-won developmental gains in the region. Cash transfers have become the primary response to support the recovery of disaster-affected population.


Philippines: ‘Income inequality high despite robust economy’

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The Manila Times Online (23.01.2017) Income and social inequalities still persist in the country even as the economy shows brisk growth, with out-of-pocket spending for health care remaining a major portion of household expenditure, state-think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) said.

Regions / Country
philippines, the


Deutschland: Statistikamt Eurostat - In dieser Altersgruppe sind 20 Prozent von Armut bedroht

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Die Welt (08.02.2017) In Deutschland steigt die Zahl der Menschen an, die sich teils normale Alltagsgüter nicht mehr leisten können. Besonders betroffen sind ältere Menschen. Drei Faktoren sind ausschlaggebend für die Bedrohun

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Population ageing

UK: Housing is a women's issue: the facts

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The Guardian (06.03.2017) No matter where you live, or how you pay for your home, from private renting, social renting, to home ownership and sheltered accommodation, the breadth of the UK housing crisis has affected millions of people across the country, young and old, and living in many different kinds of households.

Social assistance


Government might soon pay your house rent through vouchers in 100 Indian cities

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businesstoday.in (09.03.2017) The government at the centre is willing to share your rent. A new welfare scheme might soom come into existence where the urban-poor will be given rent vouchers that can be given out to the land lords.

Regions / Country

Cash transfers help the extreme poor

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D+C - Development + Cooperation (13.03.2017) At home, Germany and other industrialised states consider social protection very important and spend a lot of money on the matter. But when it came to development assistance, the idea of social transfers to the needy was next to taboo around the world for a long time. Things are changing – and that may help put an end to extreme poverty.
