
[Report] Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy

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European Commission (2017) Many of the workers in the formal economy can take certain things for granted: a regular income, health insurance, unemployment benefits if they lose their jobs, and a pension when they retire. Such things are a distant dream for workers in the informal economy, who in many countries make up most of the workforce.

Extension of coverage

The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Developing Countries

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worldbank.org (18.09.2017) The current policy discussion on fiscal redistribution in low- and middle-income countries focuses on the power of fiscal policy to reduce inequality but less on the impact of fiscal policy on the standard of living of the poor. However, a new World Bank book—The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Developing Countries—reveals that although fiscal systems are always equalizing, they often reduce the actual consumption of goods of the poor.

Extension of coverage

Protecting Poor Thai Families from Economic Hardship

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worldbank.org (31.08.2017) Thailand recently announced that it will put into action a national social assistance program for poor families. Such a program can help reduce poverty significantly. It would also move Thailand into the growing ranks of middle-income countries, such as China, Malaysia, Brazil, Turkey and the Philippines, that provide the poor with a ‘safety net’.

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Extension of coverage
Document Type

Anti-Social Registries: how a database excludes many from social protection

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developmentpathways.co.uk (10.09.2017) A craze sweeping the social protection world for Social Registries is systematically depriving some of the world’s poorest not only of social protection but also of access to vital services. So argues our latest publication, ‘Anti-Social Registries: How have they become so popular?

Information and communication technology


In Somalia, resilience can be strengthened through social protection

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blogs.worldbank.org (23.08.2017) There is no denying that the country has suffered major losses due to climatic shocks as well as the civil war that had a huge impact on its social, economic and financial well-being.

Regions / Country
Shocks & extreme events


Jordan: Partnership launched to strengthen social protection of vulnerable children

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Jordan Times (31.08.2017) A new partnership aimed at strengthening the national social protection system for the most disadvantaged children in the Kingdom was launched on Monday by the National Aid Fund (NAF), the EU and UNICEF, a statement from the UN agency said.

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Extension of coverage

Europe: Activation Into In-Work Poverty?

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Social Europe (01.09.2017) A job is the best way out of poverty. This is a widely held belief among European policy-makers. Therefore, labour market reforms in European countries during recent decades focused on creating jobs. Yet, job growth was not supposed to be achieved by demand-stimulating economic policies but by supply-sided labour market reforms. ‘Activation policy’, at European level often labelled as a ‘social investment’ approach, became the guiding principle of European labour market policy and many national reform paths.



El envejecimiento poblacional es el principal reto demografico que tiene Cuba, afirman expertos

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El Nuevo Herald (12.08.2017) Casi un 20 por ciento de la población cubana supera los 60 años de edad, según un estudio publicado recientemente por el gobierno, que ve el envejecimiento como “el principal desafío demográfico” de la nación. Mientras el proceso de envejecimiento de la población se acelera, la inversión social disminuye, según constatan especialistas.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions