Number of homeless in Britain expected to double by 2041, Crisis warns | Society
The Guardian (10.08.2017) Charity’s research predicts 575,000 people in Britain will have no roof over their heads unless government takes urgent action
The Guardian (10.08.2017) Charity’s research predicts 575,000 people in Britain will have no roof over their heads unless government takes urgent action
El País (17.07.2017) Un nuevo indicador de la lucha contra la desigualdad penaliza a España por su mercado laboral y sistema fiscal
lexpress (07.07.2017) Un rapport du Haut conseil à l'Égalité dénonce l'inégalité des femmes, surtout les plus précaires, en matière de soins.
The Guardian (17.07.2017) The UK’s lack of investment in education and low tax rates put it 17th in a new Oxfam inequality index – which ranks Sweden top out of 152 countries, and Nigeria bottom
The Kathmandu Post (07.07.2017) Social security allowances can be an important vehicle for strengthening social contract between state and citizens
Bloomberg (22.06.2017) Nigeria is rolling out its first national social-welfare program modeled partly on Brazil’s Bolsa Familia in a bid to boost a weak economy and curb poverty by giving cash to its poorest citizens and ensuring their children go to school.
Vietnam News (06.06.2017) Both employers and employees need to change their attitude and approach to improve the very low rate of social insurance coverage in the country, experts say.
Institute of Development Studies (06.06.2017) Despite long-standing conceptual considerations of shame in understanding poverty and debates about its moral, social and emotional qualities, the role of shame in poverty reduction policies remains largely unexplored. Notions of shame or mechanisms leading to shame – such as stigma or lack of dignity or respect – feature in many studies and policy evaluations, yet few studies have considered the interaction between shame, poverty and policy as its core (22.06.2017) Annoncé en décembre dernier, le programme de protection sociale du Nigéria a besoin d'argent frais. L'ambitieux projet qui cible une réduction conséquente du taux de pauvreté nécessite près de 500 millions de dollars. La Banque mondiale semble prête à soutenir Abuja.
Le Monde (25.05.2017) Le bureau du budget du Congrès a expertisé le texte abrogeant et remplaçant l’Affordable Care Act de 2010. Il doit encore être examiné et voté par le Sénat.