Old-age pensions

Deutschland: Arbeiten im Rentenalter

Submitted by dfabbri on

allgemeine-zeitung (08.10.2018) Immer mehr Rentner bleiben im Alter auch beruflich aktiv. Ist eine „Vermittlungsstelle Seniorenjobs“ also eine Perspektive mit Zukunft? Mit einer bundesweiten Fachtagung im Kreishaus in Ingelheim wurden diese und weitere sich daraus ergebenden Fragen aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft beleuchtet und diskutiert.

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Old-age pensions
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ADB reminds Asian countries: Ensure social protection for aging population 

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Business Mirror (21.08.2018) If Asian countries fail to adopt innovative employment and social protection measures, many citizens won’t be able to afford retirement, according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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Old-age pensions
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Life expectancy, Russia, pension ages

Submitted by dfabbri on

mercatornet (18.08.2018) A few weeks ago we blogged about the Russian government’s proposed changes to their national pension scheme. The upshot was that the age of entitlement was going to be raised and many people weren’t happy about having to wait longer until they can take their government money. The government’s defence was that people are living longer now than they were when the current pension ages (55 for women and 60 for men) were introduced over thirty years ago.

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Russian Federation
Old-age pensions
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US: Young people want to retire by 60 but experts say that's unlikely

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CNBC (14.08.2018) According to new research from Charles Schwab, which surveyed 2,000 young Americans aged 16 to 25, a resounding 76 percent think they'll have a better financial future than their parents. And they expect to retire, on average, at age 60. That's "seven years earlier than full Social Security benefit eligibility for their age bracket," the report notes.

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United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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[Opinión] España: La jubilación acabará fijada en los 70 años en no mucho tiempo”, según el Círculo de Empresarios

Submitted by fabbri on

El País (16.07.2018) Durante la presentación de la quinta edición del Barómetro de los Círculos, capitaneado por el Círculo de Empresarios, que recoge los resultados de una encuesta entre 340 altos directivos y entrevistas a 21 primeros ejecutivos de empresas, el presidente del grupo de trabajo del informe, Miguel Iraburu, desgranó que las tres reformas más urgentes son las de la educación, la justicia, "que es lenta e ineficiente", y profundizar en el Pacto de Toledo.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions

Deutschland: Arbeitswelt: Jeder Zweite muss vor der Rente aufgeben

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aerztezeitung (04.07.2018) Jeder wünscht sich, lange gesund und arbeitsfähig zu bleiben. Doch nicht mal jeder zweite Erwerbstätige hält bis zum offiziellen Renteneintrittsalter durch. Wie fit die arbeitende Bevölkerung ist, hat die Techniker Krankenkasse untersucht.

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Old-age pensions
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México: Sin reforma en pensiones habrá más pobres

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.elfinanciero (04.07.2018) Si la nueva administración de Andrés Manuel López Obrador no aprovecha su mayoría en las dos Cámaras para aprobar una nueva Ley de Pensiones, en 32 años México tendrá más de 10 millones de personas de 65 años y más en condición de pobreza, 154 por ciento más respecto a los 3.9 millones reportados en 2016, según un estudio de la Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS) y la Asociación Mexicana de Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Amafore).

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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France: Pension de réversion : public-privé, quel régime est le plus généreux ?

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Capital (10.07.2018) Dans le cadre de la réforme des retraites, une harmonisation des pensions de réversion du public et du privé est sur la table. Qui, des fonctionnaires ou des salariés, auraient le plus à perdre ? Cela dépend du profil.

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Old-age pensions

[Opinion] US: What explains the widening gap in retirement ages?

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MarketWatch (04.07.2018) Today, male college graduates retire about three years later than high school graduates. While the story is more complicated for women, because of the dramatic change in their labor-force participation rates over the latter half of the 20th century, the pattern is similar.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Gender equality: Seminar in Reykjavik, Iceland 2018

Submitted by -girard on

Documents, presentation and other related material from the Seminar in Reykjavik in June 2018 on gender equality and gender mainstreaming as a tool to reduce the gender pay gap and the gender pension gap, resulting from a lower participation of women in the labour market, part-time jobs and lower wages.

It also showed the example of Iceland, where non transferable maternity and paternity leaves led to an increased participation of the fathers in the care and education of children and therefore creating more equality.

Global challenges
Family benefits
Parental leave
Old-age pensions
Long-term care