Steigende Mindestlöhne in Europa gegen Sozial-Dumping
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Die meisten EU-Länder haben ihren Mindestlohn im letzten Jahr erhöht, um gegen Sozial-Dumping vorzugehen, so das Ergebnis einer aktuelle Studie. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet.
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Die meisten EU-Länder haben ihren Mindestlohn im letzten Jahr erhöht, um gegen Sozial-Dumping vorzugehen, so das Ergebnis einer aktuelle Studie. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet.
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Chancellor Christian Kern defended Austria’s push for a law against social dumping from poorer EU countries after his government’s demand to cut childcare benefits for EU foreigners took centre stage in a meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker.
EurActiv (10.02.2017) Minimum wages increased in most EU countries last year in an effort to redress social dumping, a new research has found
Courrier international (17.02.2017) La sauvegarde ou non du système social français est l’un des enjeux majeurs de la campagne présidentielle. À l’étranger aussi, la question de ce changement s’impose, entre recherche d’économies et grogne des citoyens. Les exemples aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et en Allemagne.
La Nación (17.02.2017) El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado una resolución para que la Comisión Europea empiece a estudiar leyes sobre robótica. El informe, liderado por Mady Delvaux, del comité de Asuntos Legales, insta a la Unión Europea a sentar las bases de una legislación sobre inteligencia artificial.
EurActiv (16.02.2017) The European Parliament’s plenary session voted today (16 February) against a universal basic income to compensate for the impact of robots on the labour market. (06.03.2017) EU’s Statistics service Eurostat, released figures that demonstrate the importance of social protection spending, as part of the the main functions of general government expenditure in the EU.
Europa (14.03.2017) The EPSCO Council adopted the 2017 Joint Employment Report (JER) on 3 March, including the Scoreboard of key employment and social indicators. The table below summarizes its main findings.
Europe’s World (14.03.2017) Over the last decade the economic prospects facing European workers have changed. For most, it’s been a change for the worse: less job security, less wage growth, more low-paid work, erosion of pensions and healthcare, and increased fears about future employment prospects, particularly for young people.
ILO (30.03.2017) New ILO study highlights emerging trends and good practices in social dialogue based on case studies in eleven EU Member States.