european union

Austrian Chancellor Kern says breakthrough on posted workers ‘decisive’

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EurActiv (10.02.2017) Chancellor Christian Kern defended Austria’s push for a law against social dumping from poorer EU countries after his government’s demand to cut childcare benefits for EU foreigners took centre stage in a meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker.

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european union
Family benefits

Réforme de la protection sociale : comment font nos voisins européens ?

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Courrier international (17.02.2017) La sauvegarde ou non du système social français est l’un des enjeux majeurs de la campagne présidentielle. À l’étranger aussi, la question de ce changement s’impose, entre recherche d’économies et grogne des citoyens. Les exemples aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et en Allemagne.

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european union
Social policies & programmes

[Análisis] Europa: ¿Los robots tendrán seguro social?

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La Nación (17.02.2017) El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado una resolución para que la Comisión Europea empiece a estudiar leyes sobre robótica. El informe, liderado por Mady Delvaux, del comité de Asuntos Legales, insta a la Unión Europea a sentar las bases de una legislación sobre inteligencia artificial.

Regions / Country
european union
Extension of coverage

[Opinion] Europe: We must tackle long-term job insecurity, not just the excesses of the ‘gig economy’

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Europe’s World (14.03.2017) Over the last decade the economic prospects facing European workers have changed. For most, it’s been a change for the worse: less job security, less wage growth, more low-paid work, erosion of pensions and healthcare, and increased fears about future employment prospects, particularly for young people.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment of young workers