european union

Europe: Workplace cancer prevention must be extended to reprotoxic substances

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EurActiv (30.03. 2017) Putting more than 10 years of paralysis behind it, the European Commission finally launched a revision of the directive on the prevention of occupational cancers in May 2016. Lawmakers can now address reprotoxic substances in the workplace, writes Laurent Vogel.

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european union
Occupational accidents and diseases

[Opinion] The European Welfare State Has a Future Again

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Bloomberg View (09.09.2016) In the years since the 2008-09 financial crisis, cracks have appeared in the global hegemony of neoliberalism. The pressure to favor free markets and reject the social-welfare model (whose history I described in Part 1 of this article) has moderated somewhat. 

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european union

Union européenne : Vers de meilleures statistiques sociales pour une Europe sociale

Submitted by monitor on (24.08.2016) La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition de règlement concernant de nouveaux moyens intégrés de collecte et d'utilisation de données provenant d'enquêtes sociales, en vue de mieux étayer le processus d'élaboration des politiques en général et de la politique sociale en particulier.

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european union
Governance and administration

[Opinion] Is it time to extend maternity leave across Europe?

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RurActiv (13.09.2016) The rights of pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace need to be protected in a way that ensures the health of the both mother and child, while not damaging the woman’s career prospects or harming business, write Lucy Strang and Miriam Broeks.

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european union
Family benefits
Parental leave


EU-Kommission interessiert sich für bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

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EurActiv (22.09.2016) EU-Beschäftigungskommissarin Marianne Thyssen will Freigeld-Experimente wie das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen genau im Auge behalten. Dies sei angesichts des „grundlegenden Wandels in der Arbeitswelt“ sinnvoll. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet.

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european union
Social assistance
Social policies & programmes

Europe’s health systems on life support

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Politico (06.10.2016) Europe’s health care systems aren’t feeling very well. Doctors have been threatening massive strikes in Britain to protest pay and conditions. Italian regions are going bankrupt trying to fund medicines. Drugmakers are pulling diabetes drugs from Germany, blaming government-set prices that don’t let them recoup their investment.

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european union

EU ministers plan funding cuts for youth employment scheme, despite its success

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EurActiv (14.10.2016) European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen defended the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) at a meeting of European social affairs ministers on Thursday (13 October), hoping to encourage member states to unblock a €2 billion budget

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european union
Employment of young workers

Incertitudes sur le financement de la lutte contre le chômage des jeunes en Europe

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EurActiv (14.10.2016) La commissaire Marianne Thyssen a défendu le bilan de l’initiative pour l’emploi des jeunes devant les ministres européens le 13 octobre, dans l’espoir d’obtenir un budget de 2 milliards d’euros, pour l’instant bloquée par les États membres.

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european union
Employment of young workers

[Opinion] Europe must keep its promises to the elderly under the SDGs

Submitted by monitor on (20.10.2016) Today, 928 million people are aged 60 and over – by 2050 that number will grow to 2 billion. An ageing worldwide demographic presents new challenges requiring our attention both close to home and further afield, writes Mairead McGuinness.

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european union