european union

Andriukaitis: Health Technology Assessment will make EU healthcare ‘sustainable’

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EurActiv (20.10.2016) National healthcare systems should embrace the digital era and use Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to become truly sustainable and cost-effective, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis told in an interview.

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european union
Information and communication technology

La Eurocámara propone un seguro de desempleo común para futuras crisis

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El País (23.10.2016) Tras salir de la fase más aguda de su crisis existencial, la eurozona está en medio de una recuperación mediocre, con varios líos políticos gravitando a su alrededor y la sospecha de que la Gran Recesión no ha dicho la última palabra. Europa necesita al menos completar la unión bancaria a medio hacer y una capacidad fiscal para absorber los shocks en la zona euro.

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european union

EU provides €1.5 million for the Social Protection System in Palestine

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Wafa (18.10.2016) Marking the United Nations-designated International Day of Eradication of Poverty, the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Social Development launched a new €1.5 million capacity building program for the improvement of social protection systems in Palestine, an EU statement said on Monday.

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european union

UE: les Européens toujours plus vieux... mais pas en meilleure santé

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France Soir (24.11.2016) L'espérance de vie ne cesse d'augmenter en Europe. Problème: la santé, elle, ne suit pas. Les maladies évitables continuent de tuer ou d'handicaper gravement une part importante de la population, et les systèmes de sécurité sociale sont soumis à des tensions budgétaires croissantes.

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european union
Old-age pensions

[Interview] EU: Andriukaiti -: E-health can empower patients to manage diabetes

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EurActiv (13.12.2016) The right eHealth tools will help healthcare systems adjust to the alarming rise of diabetes and patients to effectively monitor the development of their disease, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis said in an interview with

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european union

Dépenses publiques de protection sociale: la France et le Danemark en tête en Europe

Submitted by monitor on (22.12.2016) Les dépenses de protection sociale représentent 34,3% du PIB en France et 33,5% au Danemark. Mais les comparaisons européennes doivent tenir compte des différents systèmes nationaux de protection sociale ainsi que des structures démographiques.

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european union

EU: E-health and the ‘fine line’ of big data

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EurActiv (14.12.2016) The introduction of digital technology in healthcare systems might be viewed by health stakeholders in a positive light. However, policymakers are yet to address issues related to data collection and use that are considered crucial in the management of chronic conditions like diabetes.

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european union
Information and communication technology