Cash transfers

Cyprus: Support for Businesses / Employees under mandatory full suspension

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Support of Businesses / Employees that are under mandatory full suspension based on the Decrees issued by the Minister of Health are implemented additional Special Plans for the period from 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2020 or depending on the period of validity of the Decrees of the Minister of Health. The Special Plans in question will be open to companies affected by the Full Suspension Decrees and will provide support to 97% to 100% of employees, depending on the size of the company.

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Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
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Cyprus: Support for the Tourism Industry and Businesses / Employees Related to the Tourism Industry

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the implementation of the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. The Special Plan of Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations and the Special Plan of Economic Activities Related to the Tourism Industry are valid for the period from 1 November 2020 until 31 March 2021 and can provide support to up to 97% of the total staff of companies that will suspend their activities completely.

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Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
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Austria: Relief for all employers with BUAG supplements in winter

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labour (01.12.2020) There will be a reduction in ancillary wage costs for all businesses with BUAG affiliation for the months of January to March 2021. Employers are relieved of the surcharges for the bridging allowance. This regulation also applies to the following years, but from December to March. This relief for the companies makes it more attractive to keep employees busy over the winter.

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Cash transfers
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Austria: Compensation for ancillary wage costs during winter holidays

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labour (01.12.2020) Up to now, companies in the building trade and the construction industry have been reimbursed an amount of 17 percent for non-wage labor costs for the winter holidays, on which the employee is entitled to continued payment. The ancillary wage costs for social security contributions, family burden compensation fund (FLAF) and municipal tax are now reimbursed in full for the six winter holidays on construction (December 24th to 26th and 31st and January 1st and 6th) at a rate of 30.1 percent.

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Cash transfers
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