Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Country type
ISSA Member

Innovation in the system of collecting social contributions from the Public Administration

The pension management system for officials and civil servants managed by the Social Insurance Institute – State Employees’ General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale – Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l’Etat – IPS-CGRAE) experienced serious difficulties for a long time, leading to a cumulative deficit of more than francs CFA 288 billion as at 31 December 2012. This was largely due to the non-payment or partial payment of contributions by affiliated government agencies over a number of years.

Dematerialization of the procurement process

As part of its policy of constant improvement and in an effort to reduce dependence on physical media, the National Social Insurance Fund (Institution de prévoyance sociale - Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – IPS-CNPS) introduced in September 2016 computerized processes for a number of major activities involved in its procurement processes.

The new processes offer numerous advantages:

Providing employers an application facilitating the automatic generation of data relating to insured individual accounts: “e-DISA”

As part of its role of managing the contribution history of its insured members, the Social Insurance Institute – National Social Insurance Fund (Institution de prévoyance sociale – Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale – IPS-CNPS) has developed a computer-based tool, termed “e-DISA”, to encourage employers to communicate workers’ individual data (length of service and remuneration). Introduced in 2013, e-DISA enables employers to produce workers’ Individual Declarations of annual earnings (DISA) electronically and securely.

Facilitating access to entitlements by eliminating the certificate of cessation of payment

Since April 2014 the Social Insurance Institute - State Employees' General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale - Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l'Etat (IPS-CGRAE)) has been the object of a major reform which aims notably at ensuring ongoing improvements in the quality of services provided to insured persons by accelerating payment of the first pensions after retirement.

Reception area optimization project (efficient and innovative)

Since April 2014 the Social Insurance Institute - State Employees' General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale - Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l'Etat (IPS - CGRAE)) has been the object of a major reform which aims notably to ensure continued improvements in the quality of services provided to insured persons by setting up an efficient reception structure.

Control of technical expenses through a pension enrollment operation and distribution of biometric cards

Since April 2014 the Social Insurance Institute - State Employees' General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale - Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l'Etat (IPS-CGRAE)) has been the object of a major reform which aims notably to ensure continued improvements in the quality of services provided to insured individuals by monitoring beneficiary populations and ultimately, reducing the technical expenses of the Institute.