The pension management system for officials and civil servants managed by the Social Insurance Institute – State Employees’ General Retirement Fund (Institut de prévoyance sociale – Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l’Etat – IPS-CGRAE) experienced serious difficulties for a long time, leading to a cumulative deficit of more than francs CFA 288 billion as at 31 December 2012. This was largely due to the non-payment or partial payment of contributions by affiliated government agencies over a number of years.
Since 2013, the IPS-CGRAE has developed a policy to optimize the collection of social security contributions from all government agencies, based on a collaborative approach from the social contributions budgeting phase through to the effective payment of contributions.
The implementation of this strategy improved the rate of collection of declared contributions from less than 30 per cent in 2012 to 97.13 per cent as of 31 December 2016.