
Special management training for 50 managers

A series of reforms has been implemented since 2008 to bring the National Social Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS)) of Cameroon up to international standards in an effort to incorporate the best management practices of social security organizations, with a view to guaranteeing not only the sustainability of the Fund, but also rigorous, efficient and exemplary management in all respects. To ensure this and guarantee a high level of performance over the long-term, it has been necessary to train the organization's managers in the profess

On-line consultation of insured persons' and employers' accounts

The National Social Insurance Fund of Cameroon (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS)) has developed an online client account consultation tool with a constant view to modernizing its operations and providing its insurees and their employers with real-time information on their status in its records.

Using their membership number clients can create a login and access their personal or company data directly on the site. This allows clients to confirm the accuracy of their data and information and request any necessary updates.

The Total Office

The National Social Insurance Fund of Cameroon (Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS)) users were experiencing lengthy waiting times as their files were reviewed by several departments (reception, benefits and accounting) and each step of the review involved separate processing and validation. The CNPS responded to this by developing and implementing a global unified process referred to as the "Total Office" ("Le Bureau Total").

Complaints management

Faced with an inflow of applications from users, the Directorate-General noted serious deficiencies in in its reception process, which sometimes led to a build-up of claimants at the counters while certain benefits remained unpaid, with no explanation.