Commonwealth countries

Commonwealth countries

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Not official

Touching Hearts, Changing Lives, with One-to-One Retirement Planning at the Heartlands

The Central Provident Fund Board sought to help Singaporeans reaching age 55 understand our schemes and policies better, so that they can be more prepared as they approach retirement.

To do so, we created a new personalised face-to-face retirement planning service to educate Singaporeans and brought our services to the heartlands.

We measure the success of this new service based on the Singaporeans’ increased understanding of their retirement options and the likelihood of them recommending the service to other Singaporeans.


#ICanAdult was a digital campaign by the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board. It aimed to reach out and pique the millennials’ interest on the benefits of planning for the future. To achieve this, the Board deployed its strategy to tailor and deliver content that is simple and relatable, and thus relevant to their lives. We leveraged on the trend of “adulting”—where millennials share their struggles of taking on adult responsibilities on social media—in a bid to create a movement to turn the conversation around from avoiding adult responsibilities to #ICanAdult.


As part of the Social Security establishment, it is a statutory requirement that every qualified employee is to be registered by a registered and qualified employer. Apparently, there are still employers who fail to register their employees. The failure by employers to register their employees will result in the non-coverage of the employees. The unregistered qualified employees are unfairly deprived of any coverage of social security schemes and benefits in the event they become unfit to work or even worst if they are suffering from permanent disability or invalidity.

Administrative solutions for coverage extension

India has a federal structure of Governance, where Health is a provincial subject and the Social Security and Labour fall in the concurrent list. Healthcare, Cash Compensation for Employment Injury in the formal sector is provided by the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) whereas the Pension and Provident Fund by Employees Provident Fund. The employees of factories & establishments in the formal sector are entitled to benefits of Social Security through ESI Scheme.

Retirement Advisory Service

The issues of inadequate savings faced by the EPF members, coupled with the low level of financial literacy demonstrate the urgent need to enhance the knowledge and skills in financial and retirement planning among Malaysians. To attain financial independence, EPF members are encouraged to take charge of their retirement through the utilisation of the Retirement Advisory Service (RAS) which was introduced in 2014. This advisory service serves as a platform for members to obtain personalised advice from EPF’s certified officers in the area of financial and retirement planning.

Acceleration Hub

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) leveraged an immersive design-thinking process to create and implement a Service Transformation Strategy that would respond to Canadians’ service expectations and a government-wide policy direction. This process allows ESDC to gather innovative ideas from employees, clients, and partners, and translate those ideas into client-centred service solutions using an agile and repeatable design methodology.

Commuting Safety Support Program (CSSP). A case of Social Security Organization Malaysia (SOCSO)

Commuting Safety Support Program (CSSP) was introduced in 2017 by Social Security Organization (SOSCO) Malaysia in collaboration with Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS). The main objective of this program is to facilitate employers in implementing good commuting safety management at the workplaces through practical intervention. The project aims to reduce commuting accidents among motorcyclists and was initiated through business engagement and smart partnership with various stakeholders.

StartSAFE – A doorstep programme for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in building risk management capabilities

StartSAFE is a programme designed to help SMEs identify WSH hazards at their Workplaces and recommend solutions for implementation at an affordable cost. Since November 2016, the WSH consultancy with 8 consultants appointed by WSH Council, had visited 1,000 SME business owners in the Hospitality & Entertainment, Retail and Food Services. Through the programme, 5,445 hazards and close to 60 percent were rectified immediately. This translated to preventing 3,267 potential incidents.