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“100 per cent paperless, 100 per cent personalized”

For the past 10 years the Family Allowances Fund (Caisses d’allocations familiales (CAF)) have been developing and improving paperless services for internet users ( on-line benefit applications, access to and monitoring of personal files, electronic mail, access to child-care facilities, entitlement simulation tools, service provider porting to smartphones and tablets, automation of information exchange with partners.

“Entitlement Meetings”

The Family Branch is at the heart of solidarity policies and provides support for the most vulnerable individuals. Its organisation and service delivery prioritize access to entitlements – now a key public policy issue.

In 2014 the Family branch implemented a new service with a renewed focus on identifying and accessing available entitlements and services called the “entitlement meeting”.

The Family Allowance "Hackathon"

For two days and a night (36 hours non-stop), 17 teams (70 people in all) from the public sector and with volunteer staff from Family Allowances Fund Offices worked on (open) data made available by the Family Allowances Fund to discover how this data could be used for the benefit of the public.

This collective intelligence exercise, which was carried out non-stop under time constraints, delivered high-quality results and met a wide variety of objectives.

Improving co-operation between the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Regional Employment Service and the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund

Co-operation and networking across institutions is an essential factor in successful occupational reinsertion. The customer (always an accident victim in the context of what follows) should be able to benefit from as comprehensive a service as possible from social insurance institutions.

Internet page against interference with safety devices on machines

On the basis of enquiries by German and Swiss accident insurers that began in 2011 it had become clear that tampering with safety devices on machines in factories had become very widespread. A study carried out by the German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV) showed that 37 per cent of safety devices on metalworking machines had been tampered with. Safety devices that have been tampered with significantly increase the risk of using machinery and lead to severe occupational accidents with their attendant suffering and high costs.

CT-Asbestos screening programme for the early diagnosis of lung cancer

The results of the NLST (National Lung Screening Trial) study showed that the use of Low Dose Spiral Computer Tomography with persons with a significantly increased risk of lung cancer can reduce the mortality risk by identifying lung cancer at an earlier stage than the use of conventional X-rays. At the end of 2011 the SUVA decided to offer this possibility on a voluntary basis to those of its insured members who had been exposed to asbestos and had a similar risk of developing lung cancer. The programme started in 2012.


In October 2013, Jersey's Social Security Department launched JobsFest, an initiative designed to get long term unemployed jobseekers back to work at a time of year when unemployment peaks and there are fewer job vacancies.

JobsFest produced the following amazing headline results: