España: El permiso por paternidad sube de dos a cuatro semanas desde enero

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El País (15.12.2016) El portavoz del Gobierno, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, ha confirmado este viernes, en la rueda de prensa tras el Consejo de Ministros, que la ampliación a un mes del permiso de paternidad prevista en la Ley de Igualdad entrará en vigor en enero de 2017. "Puedo anunciarles que el permiso se ampliará a partir del próximo 1 de enero de 2 a 4 semanas, una medida que va en esa necesaria conciliación entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar", ha declarado el también ministro de Educación.

Regions / Country
Family benefits

Sénégal : l’aide sociale prend ses marques

Submitted by monitor on (19.12.2016) Avec la Couverture maladie universelle (CMU), qui donne aux plus démunis un accès gratuit aux soins de santé, le Programme national de bourses de sécurité familiale (PNBSF) est l’un des piliers de la politique sociale engagée par Macky Sall.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social assistance

India: Govt considering proposal to hike EPFO wage ceiling from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000

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The Economic Times (05.12.2016) The government is considering a proposal to hike wage ceiling for coverage under social security schemes run by the retirement fund body EPFO to Rs 25,000 per month from the existing Rs 15,000, Parliament was informed today.

Regions / Country

Deutschland: Lohnuntergrenze - Ohne Mindestlohn gäbe es heute 60.000 Jobs mehr

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Die Welt (19.12.2016) Seit zwei Jahren müssen Firmen ihren Beschäftigten Mindestlohn zahlen, 2017 steigt dieser nochmals an. Wirtschaftsforscher ziehen eine verheerende Bilanz - zum Unmut von Arbeitsministerin Nahles.

Regions / Country

Malaysia: Health Ministry mulls introducing government healthcare insurance scheme

Submitted by monitor on (23.07.2016) The Health Ministry is seriously considering to introduce a healthcare insurance scheme which is run and supported by the government to address the weaknesses in the private healthcare system.

Regions / Country
Health insurance

ILO: Too hot to work?

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ILO (14.12.2016) Currently, 4 billion people live in the tropical and sub-tropical belt regions that will suffer most from extreme heat. In particular, workers in sectors such as agriculture, construction, mining and oil refining are most vulnerable. Indeed, workers most affected are those who need to work continuously at high physical intensity, in manufacturing factories without cooling system facilities and migrants exposed to poor and informal working conditions.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Shocks & extreme events