Antigua: New social protection bill to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable

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Antigua Observer (03.09.2016) As government moves to enact the National Social Protection Bill, the country’s Minister of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development, Samantha Marshall, remains adamant that it will only benefit the poor and vulnerable.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Shocks & extreme events

Migrant women of Viet Nam claim social protection and rights

Submitted by monitor on (24.08.2016) An estimated 40 – 50 per cent of migrants in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the two biggest cities in Viet Nam, are women, and they face distinct challenges. Low and unstable incomes and lack of social protection make them particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. But migrant women workers of Viet Nam refuse to live on the fringes any longer. More than 10,000 migrant workers have learnt how to access social welfare benefits, legal protection and health care. They are advocating for their rights and helping one another.

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México: Sólo 25% de población en vejez recibe pensión económica

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Jornada UNAM (28.08.2016) Con motivo del Día Nacional del Adulto Mayor, que se conmemora este 28 de agosto, Verónica Montes de Oca, del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS), y Marissa Vivaldo Martínez, académica de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Zaragoza de la UNAM, señalaron que el principal recurso económico del que dispone este sector es el apoyo familiar o de la comunidad, y sólo el 25 por ciento es beneficiario de una jubilación o pensión económica.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions


La Chine enregistre une réduction des accidents du travail

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People Daily (24.08.2016) La situation de la sécurité sur les lieux de travail s'est améliorée pendant les cinq dernières années, avec moins d'accidents et de morts enregistrés, selon des statistiques publiées par le Bureau national de contrôle de la sécurité du travail (BCST)

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases