Guideline 7. Defining concept of value and approaches to optimize its realization

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The institution clearly defines its own concept of value and the management practices devoted to generating the results expected from ICT-related investments (in ICT-enabled initiatives, services and assets) throughout their economic life cycle.

This involves defining the value of the outcomes to be achieved, analysing the cost-result of ICT investments and evaluating the return on investment of ICT-related initiatives.

A.2. ICT Management

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

According to ISO/IEC 38500, management relates to “the system of controls and processes required to achieve the strategic objectives set by the organization’s governing body. Management is subject to the policy guidance and monitoring set through corporate governance”.

For COBIT®, ICT management plans, builds, runs and monitors activities in alignment with the direction set by the governance body to achieve the enterprise objectives.

Guideline 2. ICT governance processes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The institution establishes ICT governance processes linked to its governance objectives, which include evaluating strategic options, giving direction to ICT and monitoring outcomes.

Governance processes ensure that stakeholder needs, conditions and options are evaluated in order to determine and agree upon balanced institutional objectives, set direction through prioritization and decision-making, and monitor performance and compliance against agreed objectives and direction.

A.1. ICT Governance

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

ICT governance can be defined as a “framework for the leadership, organizational structures and business processes, standards and compliance to these standards, which ensure that the organization’s IT supports and enables the achievement of its strategies and objectives”.