Guideline 23. Institutional interoperability application model

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The institution defines a service-oriented architecture (SOA)-based model to guide the application of interoperability in the implementation of integrated social security systems.

In order to provide practical benefits to implementation, the model comprises key components such as basic registries and interoperability services.

Guideline 22. Workplan for the implementation of interoperability-based social security programmes

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The institution has a workplan to manage the overall implementation of interoperable social security programmes.

Implementation may depend on prior steps having been achieved, such as developing supporting information systems, signing agreements with other organizations and installing enabling technologies. The workplan should cover all required information resources and products and facilitate economies of scale in implementation.

Guideline 21. Institutional interoperability framework

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The institution establishes an interoperability framework to formalize a systematic and standardized approach to the implementation of integrated social security systems.

The framework covers all levels of the organization and specifies the political and legal context, the business processes and concepts involved in interoperability operations, and the technologies used to implement them.

B.1. Interoperability

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This section of the guidelines provides a high-level reference point for social security institutions applying interoperability techniques. The six guidelines which follow form a starting point from which institutions can develop their own policies and plans, and will assist in addressing the challenges of interoperability through a consistent and standards-based approach. The guidelines canvass the five dimensions of interoperability: political, legal, organizational, semantic and technical. The specific guidelines in this section are:

B. Key Technologies

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The following guidelines are organized in three sections:

Section B.1, Interoperability, focuses on implementing integrated ICT systems by ensuring the interoperability of the social security institution’s own systems with independent ICT-based systems.

Section B.2, Data Security and Privacy, addresses the issues of providing data security and protecting data privacy when integrating data from social programmes.

Guideline 20. Mechanisms for information retrieval and analysis

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The institution implements effective and efficient mechanisms for information retrieval and analysis which provide the means to exploit existing data assets, especially to support decision-making.

The effectiveness and efficiency of processes using information will, therefore, strongly depend on the mechanisms to retrieve and analyse the information.

Guideline 19. Data quality management

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The institution carries out unified and formalized data quality management, enabling it to improve the reliability of data and information used in the institution and, therefore, confidence in related processes.

As data is a key asset for social security operations, managing its quality becomes a required activity. The goal of data quality management is to formally and rigorously manage the data quality attributes that are relevant in social security operations.

Guideline 18. Data development and operations

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The institution carries out data development and operation activities in a systematic and consistent way.

Data development concerns the analysis, design, implementation, deployment and maintenance of data and information systems. Data operations, which involve database and data technology administration, aim at managing the availability of data throughout its life cycle, optimizing the performance of database operations and protecting the integrity of data assets.