After coronavirus, telemedicine is here to stay

Submitted by pmassetti on (07.07.2020) The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the long-anticipated surge in telemedicine services worldwide. Consulting a health care provider over phone, video or text has become the new normal for many non-urgent medical needs, while the crisis has sparked renewed interest in digital tools that can test and monitor at-risk patients safely in their homes.



Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

Benin: Social measures Covid-19 in Benin: The transfers made

Submitted by siha on

Government of the Republic of Benin (10.07.2020) The majority of beneficiaries exercising certain trades who were impacted by the restrictive measures to fight against the spread of corona virus have started receiving a subsidy via cash transfers on their mobile phones. 

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Burundi: Burundi's new coronavirus policy: Mass testing in Bujumbura city

Submitted by siha on

Al Jazeera (07.07.2020) Burundi has launched a campaign of mass testing for the coronavirus in the country's largest city, in a significant shift in policy for a nation which has largely ignored the dangers of the outbreak.

Many Bujumbura residents, including students, participated in the screening in three centres in the north, centre and south of the commercial capital on Monday.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

From Crisis Comes Opportunity: Spain’s Basic Income Response to COVID-19 - Evidence for Action

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.07.2020) The Government of Spain recently launched a national ‘Basic Income scheme’ (‘Ingreso Minimo Vital’), for extremely poor households and vulnerable groups. The means-tested programme is expected to reach approximately 2.5 million people, who will receive between €462 and €1,015 per month per household depending on the number of household members. Total household income and wealth determines whether a household receives the benefit, and applicants should be between 23 and 65 years of age and have legal residence in Spain of at least one year.

Regions / Country
Cash transfers
Document Type

France: Chômage partiel: le parquet de Paris enquête sur des fraudes massives impliquant des «flux financiers internationaux»

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.07.2020) Le parquet de Paris a annoncé vendredi enquêter sur des fraudes «massives» au chômage partiel, impliquant des «flux financiers internationaux», qui ont occasionné «plus d'1,7 million d'euros» de préjudice.

Regions / Country
Error, evasion and fraud


Document Type

Mexico: Mexico Providing Simplified Social Security Installment Plans for COVID-19

Submitted by siha on

Orbitax News (10.07.2020) Mexico's Social Security Institute has announced a simplified installment plan scheme for employers facing difficulties in paying their social security contributions due to COVID-19. Under the scheme, employers may make up to 48 monthly installments, subject to monthly interest as follows:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

Mexico: Solidarity coverage to support the health sector

Submitted by siha on

Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (14.05.2020) The Solidarity Coverage to Support the Health Sector consists of life insurance from insurance companies to provide financial protection to the families of public sector health personnel free of charge. The beneficiaries of this support will be the relatives of 1.6 million public sector health workers who have died from the COVID-19, when treating patients with this disease. In the event of death due to the direct cause of said disease, the insurers undertake to grant 50 thousand pesos to relatives of the aforementioned staff (

Regions / Country
Human resource management
Document Type

Mexico: Government of Mexico works to dismantle networks that deceive citizens with false social support

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of the Economy (25.05.2020) 

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Information and communication technology
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type

Thailand: Welfare Card Holders To Get 3,000 THB Handout

Submitted by siha on

Samui Times (17.06.2020) Thailand’s state welfare card holders have been approved to get three handouts of 1,000 THB each as long as they have not fallen under other governmental financial aid campaigns surrounding the efforts to help those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. it will be paid in three monthly installments which have been backdated from May.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Bangladesh: Fake Covid-19 certificates: 7 Regent Group staffers on 5-day remand

Submitted by siha on

The daily Star (08.07.2020) A virtual court in Dhaka today placed seven officials and employees of Regent Group on a five-day remand each in a case filed overissuing fake Covid-19 test results and charging patients for the test and treatment. They charged patients for the tests and treatment despite having an agreement with the government on carrying out tests and providing treatment for free. 

Regions / Country
Service quality
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type