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France: Commission des affaires sociales : audition consacrée au suivi des mesures d'urgence prises dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie de Covid-19. gfilhon (29.04.2020) Compte rendu de l'audition du directeur de l'Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale (ACOSS, agence nationale du recouvrement des cotisations) sur le chiffrage des mesures d'accompagnement par la Sécurité sociale de la crise du Coronavirus.

covid19, sustainability Contribution collection and compliance, Financing, Financial crisis Europe , france
Enter e-Estonia: interoperability — e-Estonia rruggia

To build Estonia’s digital society, it was not feasible to allow each government agency to ask for and store the user’s data. Such data duplication would make these agencies more susceptible to coordinated cyber attacks, as well as make it difficult to keep an individual’s information up-to-date. The solution to this was Estonia’s adoption of the “once-only principle,” whereby the user’s data is effectively divided up amongst the different agencies. This means information such as the user’s address can only be asked for and stored by one authority, in this case the population registry. If another agency wants to access this address, then they must send an electronic request to verify this information. But how can this be accomplished in a safe manner? Every digital service as well as the organisation or institution behind the service must be able to connect to the X-road. This software provides a way to link each entity’s information system to another via a secure data exchange platform. The X-road is responsible for connecting 150 public sector institutions with one another, in addition to 450 different organisations and enterprises. This amounts to more than 3000 services on offer! Moreover, not only are information systems connected on the national level, but since 2018, an agreement between Estonia and Finland established a federation. This allows the two countries to share data internationally and makes room for more opportunities to establish digital business opportunities, cross-border cooperation, and policy coordination. None of this could be possible, however, without a high level of trust from the users of the system. As such, cyber security is an important issue, and one that will be discussed in our next week’s video. See you then!

egovernment Interoperability estonia
X-Road® Data Exchange Layer rruggia


X-Road is a free and open-source data exchange layer solution that enables organizations to exchange information securely over the Internet. X-Road is released under the MIT open source license and is available free of charge.

The basic idea of X-Road is that information systems do not exchange data directly with each other. Instead, information systems are connected through additional, standardized access points (Security Server) that implement the same technical specifications and therefore, can communicate with each other.

egovernment Information and communication technology, Interoperability estonia
Gov’t issues Defence Order No. 9 to support non-working employees, employers, daily wage workers | RSM Jordan pmassetti

The first programme, Tadamun (solidarity) 1, will cover institutions that are already covered by the SSC. Jordanians, Gazans and children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanians will benefit from this programme, with employees receiving 50 per cent of their salaries provided that the amount ranges between JD165 and JD500. The employer will pay 20 per cent, with a maximum of JD250, Rahahleh said. 

The second programme, Tadamun 2, targets companies that are not subscribed to the SSC or whose subscriptions are less than 12 months. Under the programme, each employee will receive JD150, the director general said. Rahahleh said that the third programme allows subscribers to receive advance payments and their temporary unemployment credits from the corporation, noting that the SSC will start receiving applications on Tuesday. Social Development Minister Basma Ishaqat said that this programme is the “biggest protection plan ever” for daily wage workers, with 200,000 families expected to benefit from its first phase.

Daily wage workers whose jobs have been affected by the government measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the Kingdom will be able to submit their applications immediately for 10 days through the bread subsidy website, to which a special window has been added to support these workers.

covid19 Old-age pensions, Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance jordan
Samoa: Special payment to pensioners under the Senior Citizens Benefit Fund mmarquez (07.04.2020) A special payment of $300 tala per person for all pensioners under the Senior Citizens Benefit Fund on top of the normal pension. A date for this special pay-out will be announced in due course.

covid19 Old-age pensions, Cash transfers Samoa
Samoa: 20% early withdrawal for members in the hospitality sector mmarquez (07.04.2020) 20% early withdrawal for members in the Hospitality sector who have lost employment due to COVID-19. Subject to certain conditions, members in the affected sector to be allowed: a) member loans offset from contributions b) Early withdrawal of either: 20% of net contributions OR $4000 tala, whichever is lesser. c) Other Terms and Conditions apply for eligibility

covid19 Cash transfers Samoa
South Africa: Covid-19 grant: We can learn from Namibia pmassetti

GroundUp (29.04.2020) Introducing the new “Covid-19 grant” announced by President Cyril Ramphosa will pose a huge challenge. But South Africa can learn from Namibia, which introduced an emergency grant at the beginning of April and within three weeks had paid out nearly 580,000 people. The Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress grant of R350 per month, together with the R500 per month supplement to each Child Support Grant (CSG) recipient, provides for the first time a social safety net for able-bodied working-age adults. These reforms amount to a temporary basic income grant payable to anyone without formal employment.

covid19 Service delivery, Cash transfers namibia, south africa
Coronavirus: Pakistan's unemployed are now planting trees pmassetti

World Economic Forum (30.04.2020) Pakistan's government are offering labourers, who are out of work due to the coronavirus lockdown, a chance to earn money by planting trees. The project is part of Pakistan's existing initiative to plant billions of trees to counter the effects of climate change.

covid19 Unemployment pakistan
Samoa: Deferral of employers' contributions to the national provident fund in the hospitaliy sector mmarquez (07.04.2020) Six-month moratorium on contribution payments for Hospitality Sector Employers in the hospitality sector will be permitted to postpone their contributions payments for the six-month period January to June 2020 to be payable only in July 2020. The total value of this assistance is $2.6 million tala.

contribution collection, covid19 Contribution collection and compliance Samoa
Amendments to Executive Order On Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children pmassetti

Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children

The amendments specify and complement clauses of the Executive Order On Additional Measures of Social Support for Families with Children concerning monthly payments to such families, as well as the introduction of additional one-off payment for each child aged between 3 and 16.

In particular:

RUB 10,000 will be paid for each minor. The President introduces unconditional support for families with children, regardless of their income level or whether their parents have a job. Each child under 16 years of age will be paid  RUB 10.000, based on a simple electronic application from parents or guardians.

In total, 27 million Russian children will receive such support. This payment does not cancel, but complements previously entered support measures. RUB 5.000 thousand a month for children under 3 years of age will be paid not only to those who have the right to maternity capital, but also to all families with such children (from April to June); one-half of the subsistence minimum for children from 3 to 7 years of age from low-income families (from June 1-one-time for all previous months, that is, on average, RUB 33.000  per child, then-monthly) and RUB 3.000 per month for each minor child of their families, where one or both parents lost their jobs (from April to June). In addition, the amount of child benefit has been doubled.

covid19 Children, Cash transfers Russian Federation
Russia: Permanent reduction of employers contributions for SMEs mmarquez (05.05.2020) The Russian Federal Tax Service April 20 announced reduced insurance contribution rates for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), effective April 1. The announcement includes information on: 1) a reduction in the social insurance rate to 15 percent for salaries exceeding the current monthly minimum wage of 12,130 rubles (US$160), applicable to accrued payments exceeding the minimum wage threshold; 2) a 10 percent compulsory pension insurance rate; 3) a 5 percent compulsory health insurance rate; and 4) a 0 percent compulsory social insurance rate for temporary disability or related to maternity.

contribution collection, covid19 Contribution collection and compliance Russian Federation
Ukraine: Compensations of up to 18 dollars to pensioners aged 80 or older mmarquez (08.04.2020) In Ukraine, pensioners who have reached 80 years of age will be paid compensation for pensions in April. This was reported by the press service of Ukraine’s Pension Fund. Payment in the amount of up to 18 dollars commenced on April 7. "From April 1, 2020, pensioners who are 80 years of age or older are entitled to a monthly compensation payment of up to 500 hryvnias (18 dollars). Pension supplements will be paid to pensioners whose pension does not exceed 9205 hryvnias (339 dollars). At the same time, after such payment is made, the pension may not exceed the specified amount," the message said.

covid19 Pensions, Cash transfers ukraine
Perú: Suspensión de aportes de trabajadores a las AFP para el mes de abril mmarquez (26.03.2020) El presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció que se suspenderá el aporte a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP) durante el mes de abril, ante la ampliación del estado de emergencia en el Perú para frenar los contagios de coronavirus.

contribution collection, covid19 Pensions, Contribution collection and compliance peru
Brazil: Payment of employers' contribution are further deferred mmarquez (April 2020) The government deferred the due date for employers' social security contributions: those originally due in March are now due in July, while those due in April are now due in September. (Employers contribute 20 percent of monthly covered payroll to finance OASDI programs, cash sickness and maternity benefits, and family allowances.)

covid19 Contribution collection and compliance brazil
Bolivia: APS suspende el pago de aportes para la seguridad social | La Prensa mmarquez (02.04.2020) La Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control de Pensiones y Seguros (APS) instruyó la suspensión de las contribuciones para las jubilaciones, tomando en cuenta las restricciones de desplazamiento por el estado de emergencia sanitaria en el país.

covid19, self-employed Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance bolivia
Andorra: Law 5/2020, all infected insured persons have the right to receive financial benefits for temporary disability cambrosio (18.04.2020)

It is established that all insured persons who have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, as well as those who have been affected by an isolation measure to prevent the spread of the virus and who are unable to work, have the right to receive financial benefits for temporary disability under the conditions determined by the Social Security Act in the event of an accident at work or occupational disease. It is not a question of granting SARS-CoV-2 the character of an occupational disease, which is not the case, but only of exceptionally applying this scheme for the purposes, exclusively, of the economic benefits for temporary disability, and with a limited character in the time. The Law also establishes that salaried people and people who carry out a self-employed activity who have maintained their activity during the period of the health crisis have the right to receive economic benefits for 100% temporary disability, as long as they have not contracted a private insurance that covers them. However, this provision is restricted to people working in the health and socio-health fields.

covid19, self-employed Disability Andorra
Andorra: Law 5/2020, on paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children cambrosio (18.04.2020)

The paid leave in case of absence to take care of dependent children while the educational and extracurricular leisure centers are compulsorily closed is also regulated, with the same requirements as provided for in Law 3/2020. However, given that from the entry into force of the new Law and as activities are opened and schools are not opened, there will be an increasing number of people who will be able to take part in them, s 'establishes that the compensation paid by the Government may not exceed the minimum interprofessional wage.

covid19 Children Andorra
Andorra: Law 5/2020 on continuity of employment contracts despite suspension of companies' activity cambrosio (18.04.2020)

The first chapter affects the measures in labor matters and includes in the first place almost all the provisions introduced in this area by Law 3/2020. Thus, the principle of continuity of employment contracts is maintained despite the suspension of the activity of companies due to the health emergency situation; the non-application of the procedure for the suspension of employment contracts due to fortuitous event or force majeure in the event of the temporary suspension of the company's activity, and the fact that they are considered without effect if they have been requested; the non-application of the advance notice period to modify working hours until the Government puts an end to the health emergency situation and during the following fourteen calendar days, and the company's right to change the employee's duties,

covid19 Unemployment Andorra
IOSH coronavirus webinars btreichel

IOSH have launched a series of webinars for occupational safety and health professionals on the Covid-19 situation.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks
Malta: COVID-19 Fiscal Assistance - Postponement of Payment of Certain Taxes siha

Government of Malta (30.04.2020) Social security contributions payments which fall due in March up to and including June 2020 are deferred. Settlement period is to be announced.

contribution collection, covid19 Employment, Contribution collection and compliance malta
Lebanon: Deferring payments of social security contributions in response to COVID-19 - KPMG Global siha

KPMG Global (11.05.2020) Deferring payments of social security contributions relating to the first six months of 2020 for an additional six months from the original due dates.

contribution collection, covid19 Contribution collection and compliance lebanon
Spain: Terms and time limits for processing procedures of public sector entities are suspended temporarily rruggia

Terms and time limits for processing procedures of public sector entities are suspended, unless they involve the exceptions set out in Royal Decree 463/2020 of 14 March, which declared the state of alarm. The computation of time limits shall be resumed when validity of the aforementioned royal decree or, if applicable, the extensions thereof, ends.

covid19 Governance and administration spain
Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social - Gabinete de comunicación - Ministra - rruggia

El Consejo de Ministros aprueba el Real Decreto-Ley de medidas sociales en defensa del empleo

El texto, que plasma el Acuerdo Social en Defensa del Empleo, firmado ayer en La Moncloa, prorroga los ERTE por fuerza mayor hasta el 30 de junio y establece condiciones para que las empresas reanuden su actividad, estableciendo en 6 meses el compromiso de mantenimiento del empleo

Se impedirá acogerse al ERTE a las empresas domiciliadas en paraísos fiscales y no será posible el reparto de dividendos durante el ejercicio fiscal que corresponde al expediente

La exoneración de cuotas de la Seguridad Social se mantiene para las empresas sujetas a ERTE y se articulan tramos que incentivan el retorno a la actividad siguiendo las medidas sanitarias

Se acuerda crear una Comisión Tripartita para el seguimiento de medidas y para la consulta de posibles prórrogas de los expedientes de regulación temporal de empleo

covid19 Employment, Contribution collection and compliance spain
Kazakhstan: Statement by the Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev cambrosio (31.03.2020)

On March 31, the president announced to index the amount of pensions, state benefits and targeted social assistance by 10% due to rising inflation.

covid19 Social assistance kazakhstan
España: Aplazamiento de cotizaciones a la seguridad social mmarquez (29.03.2020) Por lo que respecta a las cuotas a la Seguridad Social, para pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) nuevas medidas anuncian que se podrá aplazar el pago de la cotización de abril, con un 0’5% de intereses, y se concederá una moratoria de seis meses para el pago de las cuotas de mayo, junio y julio.

contribution collection, covid19 Contribution collection and compliance spain