Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Hungary: Social security contribution exemption/reduction in response to COVID-19 - KPMG Global | siha | KPMG Global (04.05.2020) Modified social security contribution rules shall be applied for the period of March-June 2020 to the specified sectors (Hospitality and tourism; Entertainment, film industry, performing arts; Sports services; Event organization; Gambling).
contribution collection, covid19 | Financial crisis | hungary |
Finland: Pension contributions temporarily lowered | siha | Finnish Centre for Pensions (06.04.2020) Employers’ earnings-related pension contributions have been temporarily lowered by around 2% (until the end of the year). This measure is financed by cutting into the EMU buffer (to a value of €900 million). Businesses whose operations have stopped completely due to the epidemic can postpone the payment of their earnings-related pension contributions by three months at the most. The above measures will reduce the contribution income of pension providers in 2020 by an estimated one billion euros. The loss will be compensated by raising the employer contributions in 2022–2025. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | finland |
Finland: Processing of unemployment benefit applications to be accelerated | siha | Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (08.05.2020) Based on a temporary amendment, unemployment benefit can be paid without a decision, as an advance payment, for a period of six months instead of the current period of two months. The President of the Republic approved the act on temporary derogations from the Unemployment Security Act due to the coronavirus epidemic. The act will enter into force on 11 May 2020 and it will remain in force until 31 October 2020. |
covid19, labour markets | Unemployment, Cash transfers | finland |
Uruguay: Actualización de información en relación al coronavirus COVID-19 | cambrosio | (19.03.2020) El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) anunció que aplazará el vencimiento de pagos de BPS y la DGI. Los aportes patronales al BPS con vencimientos en marzo y abril de los monotributistas, las unipersonales y las sociedades personales con hasta 10 empleados podrán ser abonados en un 60% en junio. El 40% restante será subsidiado totalmente por el Estado, según anunció la ministra Arbeleche. |
contribution collection, covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance | uruguay |
Pakistan: Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme's payment process to commence from next week | pmassetti | (05.04..2020) The Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program will help 12 million families by providing them financial assistance of Rs. 12,000 per family and the total budget approved for this initiative is Rs. 144 billion. The Kifalat beneficiaries, who were being given Rs2,000 per month, will be provided an additional Rs1,000. |
customer_services | Service delivery, Cash transfers | pakistan |
UK: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme | cambrosio | (01.03.2020) As part of the new job retention program (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme), the government will provide 80% of employer contributions to employees with temporary paid leave under the country ’s automatically registered occupational pension plan. (Government contribution is based on a minimum contribution rate of 3%, and monthly income does not exceed £ 2,500 (US $ 3,090.66).) The plan took effect on March 1 and is expected to be implemented for four months. In addition, employers who are contributing above the minimum contribution rate may, under certain conditions, temporarily reduce their contribution rate for these employees to the minimum rate without consultation. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | united kingdom |
China: Social security contributions reduced in response to COVID-19 - Willis Towers Watson | siha | Willis Towers Watson (18.03.2020) Employer social security contributions for retirement pensions, workers compensation, unemployment and health (including maternity) benefits are reduced. The extent and duration of the measures depend on the province, autonomous region or municipality, and size of the employer’s workforce.
For health (including maternity) benefits, all employers, regardless of location or size, may reduce their social security health contributions by 50% for the five-month period between February and June 2020 provided that local social security medical funds can afford at least six months of medical expense payments. Furthermore, all employers, regardless of location or size, experiencing “severe difficulties” in terms of production and operation due to the COVID-19 epidemic may request a six-month deferral in the payment of their social security contributions without incurring any penalties for late payment. |
contribution collection, covid19, economic crisis | Financial crisis | china |
Australia: Early access to your super | Australian Taxation Office | siha | Australian Taxation Office (04.05.2020) COVID-19 – early release of superannuation: Individuals financially affected by COVID-19 can access some of their superannuation early. The withdrawal is tax free. Eligible Australian and New Zealand citizens and permanent residents are able to apply to access up to:
To apply for early release, you must be unemployed or satisfy one of the requirements. Eligible temporary residents are able to apply to access up to $10,000 of their super until 30 June 2020. |
covid19, labour markets | Unemployment, Cash transfers | australia |
Australia: Economic Support Payment - Services Australia | siha | Services Australia (08.05.2020) Economic Support Payment: The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:
The second Economic Support Payment is also $750. You may get it if you get an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020. We’ll pay this in July 2020. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Cash transfers | australia |
Bermuda: Unemployment Benefit update | Government of Bermuda | siha | Government of Bermuda (03.04.2020) Unemployment Benefit is newly established and administered through the Department of Workforce Development. The Covid – 19 Unemployment Benefit is for full-time (more than 15 hours per week) employees not currently on Financial Assistance and provides a payment of 60% of their weekly gross salary up to a maximum of $500 per week. The benefit is for a maximum of 12 weeks in total per employee from the date of application. |
covid19, Emergency grants | Unemployment, Cash transfers | bermuda |
Jordan: Defence Order suspending items of Social Security Law | cambrosio | (19.03.2020) Private-sector employers can choose to suspend employer and employee contributions to the country's old-age pension program for 3 months starting in March. In the case where firms will choose to do so, they will only pay 5.25% as contribution rate, instead of 21.75%. Employers who choose not to do so may instead defer their contributions for this 3-month period and pay them over a period extending to the end of 2023 with no interest. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | jordan |
Jersey: Social Security Contributions Covid-19 Order 2020 | cambrosio | (04.04.2020) |
contribution collection, covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance | jersey |
Moldova: Unemployment benefits during the state of emergency | siha | National Employment Agency (10.04.2020) According to the provisions of Provision no. 16 of April 10, 2020 of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova, unemployed persons, including those returning from abroad, may apply for monthly unemployment benefit in the amount of 2775 lei (point 11). |
covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets | Unemployment | moldova, Republic of |
India: COVID-19 impact: Informal economy workers excluded from most govt measures, be it cash transfers or tax benefits | pmassetti | (11.05.2020) COVID-19 is far more than a health crisis. The economic crisis--a severe fallout of the virus--is grim, and much grimmer for developing countries like India. The pandemic has already exposed the health vulnerabilities facing India, especially its rural poor, and urban slum dwellers. |
covid19, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | india |
Antigua and Barbuda: Government to provide relief packages to some families | mmarquez | (28.03.2020) PM Gaston Browne announced that relief packages will be made available to single-parent and no-income households. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance | antigua |
Cuba: Transferencia monetaria de 250 pesos mensuales para asistentes integrales de salud y equipos de lavandería | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) Se pagará una estimulación a aquellos trabajadores que laboran en los 31 hospitales dispuestos en Cuba para la atención a pacientes de coronavirus. Se trata de los asistentes integrales de salud y los equipos de lavandería. Estas personas recibirán un pago mensual extra del 250 pesos cubanos. |
covid19 | Health, Cash transfers | cuba |
Cuba: Se garantiza asistencia social a trabajadores por cuenta propia y trabajadores cíclicos | mmarquez | (16.04.2020) Los trabajadores por cuenta propia que no han podido mantener su negocio o resultan más vulnerables a la COVID-19, son beneficiados por la asistencia social en Cuba, anunció hoy Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. |
covid19, self-employed | Social assistance | cuba |
Cuba: Prórroga de 6 meses de las prestaciones de carácter temporal | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) Se prorrogan por un plazo de 6 meses, el término de vigencia de las prestaciones familiares con carácter temporal establecidas bajo el artículo 272 del decreto no. 283 del Consejo de Ministros. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance | cuba |
Cuba: Subsidio para padres trabajadores por el cuidado de sus hijos | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) La madre, padre o tutor que tengan condición de trabajadores y estén encargados del cuidado del menor al que se le haya suspendido la escuela primaria y especial, reciben durante el primer mes una garantía salarila equivalente al 100% de su salario básico; subsecuentemente, la compensación será del 60%. Esto también aplica a padres y tutores que hayan decidido no llevar a sus hijos a los Círculos Infantiles o a cuidadores particulares, aún cuando estos centros no hayan sido cerrados. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Children, Cash transfers | cuba |
Cuba: Reubicación de trabajadores y garantía salarial | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) Los trabajadores que no pueden continuar desempeñando su trabajo debido a los cambios actuales, deben ser reubicados en otros trabajos teniendo en cuenta las necesidades actuales del territorio, como la producción de alimentos y en el cuidado de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Aquellos que no aceptan una reubicación sin una buena causa, no recibirán salario, pero mantendrán la relación laboral. En caso la reubicación no sea posible por otras razones, el trabajador recibirá 100% de su salario básico el primer mes, y 60% del mismo a partir del segundo mes mientras dure la paralización. |
covid19 | Employment | cuba |
Cuba: Adultos mayores y personas con condiciones de fragilidad no deben trabajar y reciben salario | mmarquez | (30.04.2020) Como medida preventiva, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social declaró que los adultos mayores en condición de fragilidad, y otros trabajadores en situación de salud frágil, no seguirán laborando. En estos casos los trabajadores seguirán devengando el 100% de su salario básico el primer mes, y 60% a partir del segundo mes mientras durante el período del confinamiento. |
covid19 | Health, Employment | cuba |
Argentina: Gobierno nacional creó fondo especial de 1.700 millones de pesos para fortalecer respuesta ante el COVID-19 | mmarquez | (10.03.2020) En el marco del fortalecimiento de la respuesta del país ante el avance del nuevo coronavirus, el Gobierno nacional anunció la creación de un fondo especial de 1.700 millones de pesos destinados a la adquisición de equipamiento de laboratorio y de hospitales, con el objetivo de reforzar los elementos necesarios para hacer frente a la evolución de la situación epidemiológica del COVID-19 en Argentina. |
covid19 | Health, Financing | argentina |
Argentina: Refuerzos en la política alimentaria | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Se estableció un incremento de las partidas para la asistencia alimentaria en comedores escolares, comedores comunitarios y merenderos. “Es un refuerzo presupuestario adicional sobre la base de que estamos trabajando para ir a un esquema de viandas o de entrega de módulos alimentarios para evitar el traslado de personas, y de acuerdo a las maneras y particularidades de cada provincia”, explicó el ministro. También se incrementó la frecuencia de la distribución de la Tarjeta Alimentar de cada tres semanas a semanalmente. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Children, Social assistance, Food and nutrition | argentina |
Argentina: El Gobierno amplía a 12 la red nacional de Hospitales Modulares de Emergencia | mmarquez | (03.04.2020) Frente a la Emergencia Sanitaria decretada por el Gobierno Nacional para contener el Coronavirus-COVID 19, el Ministerio de Obras Públicas construirá otros cuatro Hospitales Modulares de Emergencia, ampliando la red nacional de 8 a un total de 12. |
covid19 | Health | argentina |
Argentina: Congelamiento temporal de alquileres y suspensión de desalojos | mmarquez | (29.03.2020) El Gobierno Nacional resuelve suspender en todo el territorio nacional, hasta el día 30 de septiembre, el desalojo de inmuebles por falta de pago. Del mismo modo establece prorrogar, hasta la misma fecha, la vigencia de los contratos de locación cuyo vencimiento haya operado desde el 20 de marzo pasado. Se dispone a su vez el congelamiento del precio de los contratos de alquiler, debiéndose abonar hasta el 30 de septiembre el monto correspondiente al mes de marzo del corriente año. Para el pago de la diferencia entre la cuota que hubiere debido abonarse según las prescripciones contractuales y la que efectivamente deberá pagarse por la presente medida, y para el pago de deudas, no podrán aplicarse intereses ni otras penalidades previstas en el contrato. |
covid19 | Housing | argentina |