Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals | siha | The Ministry of Health (30.03.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled communication with health professionals, with a view to allowing them real-time access to news and medical training. |
communication, community, covid19, services quality | Health, Information and communication technology, Communication, Service quality | morocco |
India: Demand for speedy passage of Social Security Bill gains steam | pmassetti | livemint (26.06.2020) The development comes against the backdrop of the migrant issue and labour rights coming in the spotlight in the last three months. Bihar, which goes to polls later this year, was the first to demand passage of the Bill |
covid19 | Migration, Social policies & programmes | india |
Switzerland: SwissCovid tracing app launched | siha | swissinfo (25.06.2020) A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes – is alerted via the app to isolate themselves and get tested. SwissCovid was developed by the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne and Zurich. Smartphones use Bluetooth technology to communicate with each another anonymously. The system is decentralised with contacts and data stored on devices rather than on an external server. It is the first in the world to use the OS updates from Apple and Google. |
covid19, digital inclusion, services quality | Health, Information and communication technology, E-services, Technological transition | switzerland |
Iceland: Application for closing grants | siha | Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld (12.06.2020) An application for a grant has been opened in accordance with Act no. 38/2020 . The operators that were made to cease their activities according to the Minister of Health's announcement of restrictions on epidemics can apply for closure grants. If the applicant for a closing grant is a company (legal entity), the proprietor logs on to his service page and thus enters the company's area. A self-employed person enters the application through their own service page. The amount of closing grants shall be equal to the operating costs of the operator during the period 24 March to 3 May 2020, though never exceeding ISK 800,000 per employee who worked for the operator in February 2020, and a maximum of ISK 2.4 million per operator. An application for a closing grant must be received no later than September 1, 2020. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Employment, Cash transfers | iceland |
Iceland: An internet chat with nurses will be available every day from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. | siha | Ministry of Health (28.05.2020) The health authority aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Minister of Health has accepted the Agency's proposal in this regard and has decided to grant ISK 30 million on an annual basis for the project for two years. The Internet chat facility has long been open for 4 - 8 hours a day, but when the first person was diagnosed with COVID-19 in this country, the healthcare managers decided to have the Internet chat open from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. every day of the week. In March 2020, users had a high number of 16,000 interactions with nurses through the Internet chat, and 93% of users expressed satisfaction with the service. |
communication, covid19, customer_services | Health, Information and communication technology, Communication | iceland |
US: Trump administration sent $1.4bn in stimulus checks to dead people | pmassetti | The Guardian (25.06.2020) US Government Accountability Office said almost 1.1 million dead people received payments of about $1,200 each |
covid19 | Error, evasion and fraud | United States |
Iceland: Notification to Employers of Changes in Partial Benefit / Decreased Percentage | siha | Labor (28.04.2020) The option for full time workers to move to part-time with government support will be extended to 31 August, from its original finish date on 1 June. The livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees have been protected since this support measure took effect, but the economic outlook has changed markedly in the month or so. The part-time option allows employees to reduce their hours or salary to as low as 25%, or 50% from July onwards, and top up their earnings with support from the Government. An application must be filed for an extension, and the requirements for participation will be reviewed. |
covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment | Unemployment, Cash transfers | iceland |
Taiwan: Deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension | siha | Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (11.03.2020) From April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, the insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the conditions may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. The insurance premium and labor retirement pension of 6 months of labor from February 2020 to July 2020 from the expiration date of the grace (limitation) period may be postponed for half a year. No late fees will be levied during this period. |
contribution collection, covid19, economic crisis | Contribution collection and compliance, Shocks & extreme events | Taiwan, China |
Iceland: Payments in Quarantine | siha | The Directorate of Labor (27.04.2020) The Directorate of Labor handles the implementation of the Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine. The Act applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Employees who have quarantined but have not been paid by their employer can also apply for payments under the Act. In addition, self-employed persons can apply for the payments. Applications for quarantine payments were opened on 5 May 2020. The applications must be received by the Directorate of Labor before 31 December 2020. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Employment, Cash transfers | iceland |
Taiwan: Labor subsidy for self-employed workers or workers without a certain employer | siha | Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (20.04.2020) The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each person will receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan per month, which will be paid for three months at a time, totaling 30,000 yuan. Those who meet the application qualifications should apply to their professional trade unions from April 20, 2020 to May 22, 2020. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed | Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events | Taiwan, China |
Kuwait: Amendments to the Insurance Law are in the interest of the citizen | siha | Social Insurance Institution (21.06.2020) In context of the improvement in life rates in Kuwait and the decrease in death rates due to the development of health care, the Kuwaiti National Assembly approved a draft law amending some provisions of the Social Insurance Law related to the replacement system, whereby the tables of the replacement value were modified so that the insured and the pensioners could obtain higher replacement values than before.
adequacy, sustainability | Old-age pensions, Actuarial, Service quality | kuwait |
Kuwait: Implementing the decision to postpone the payment of contribution | siha | Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred contributions will be paid on 24 months starting from October 2020. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance, Shocks & extreme events | kuwait |
Cuba: Protección para los autónomos y asistencia social | mmarquez | (03.06.2020) La Ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social puntualizó que, como ha informado el Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios (MFP), los trabajadores autónomos se acogen a varios beneficios entre los que sobresalen la prórroga del registro de contribuyentes, el aplazamiento del pago de tributos y la suspensión del pago de los tributos de los trabajadores contratados. Estas medidas se dijo inicialmente que serían válidas hasta el 30 de abril y luego hasta el 30 de mayo. Se aclaró por el MFP que estas medidas se mantienen mientras dure la situación epidemiológica. Entre estas figuran la prórroga de trámites ante el registro de contribuyentes, aplazamiento del pago de tributos, eximir del pago de los impuestos y de la cuota tributaria mensual. |
contribution collection, covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance, Social assistance | cuba |
Cuba: Se mantienen las medidas de protección laboral y salarial frente al Covid-19 | mmarquez | (03.06.2020) Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda. Reiteró que la garantía salarial es del 100% del salario básico el primer mes y del 60% a partir del segundo mes. Destacó que el trabajo a distancia es una modalidad que llegó para quedarse, bajo la cual laboran actualmente 627 mil 855 trabajadores. |
covid19, human resources | Unemployment, Human resource management | cuba |
Cuba: Teams of doctors and nurses are sent to the hardest hit regions in Europe | mmarquez | (06.05.2020) Now, as the world grapples with another era-shaping catastrophe, Cuban doctors and nurses are on the ground once again, only this time in a less common location: Europe. Today, an estimated 28,000 Cuban medical professionals ply their trade overseas, primarily in the developing world. “Yes, of course there are big human rights problems in Cuba – there have been since the start [of the revolution] and there are still problems. “But whatever their intentions are, and whatever they gain from those programmes, we need to recognise that they are doing a good job … It is having an impact,” said Panichelli-Batalla, who has interviewed Cuban medical workers who have served in countries including Guatemala, Ethiopia, East Timor, Ghana, Brazil and Tanzania. “The work they do there is valued by the local people, it is valued by the local governments and it does make a difference.” |
covid19, human resources | Health, Human resource management | Europe |
Antigua and Barbuda: Reopening of physical offices to the public | mmarquez | (19.05.2020) The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our website. |
covid19, customer_services | Service delivery | antigua |
Israel: Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients | siha | National Insurance Institute of Israel (23.06.2020) National Insurance Institute have automatically extended the eligibility period of benefits recipients temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled child benefit and attendance benefits, recipients of a work disability pension, and recipients of hostile actions casualty benefit. Extended duration differs depending on the types of benefits. |
covid19, Emergency grants, service delivery | Disability, Service delivery, Long-term care, Shocks & extreme events | israel |
Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud | mmarquez | (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria por Covid-19 perdieron su trabajo y en consecuencia la capacidad de pago al Sistema de Salud. |
coverage, covid19, self-employed | Health, Cash sickness benefits, Unemployment | colombia |
Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Options for Developing Countries | pmassetti | Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (April 2020) We provide an overview of the policies that could form a comprehensive social protection strategy in developing countries, with examples of specific policies adopted around the developing world in recent days. Our core argument is that middle-income and lower-income countries can cast an emergency safety net with extensive coverage if they use a broader patchwork of solutions than higher-income countries. |
covid19 | Social assistance | |
Chile: Nuevos montos y cobertura del beneficio Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia 2.0 | cambrosio | (15.06.2020) Nuevo Plan de Emergencia es anunciado por el gobierno en donde aumentaría a 100.000 pesos el Bono Familiar de Emergencia por integrante, alcanzando un universo de 2.1 Millones de hogares beneficiarios. ¿En que consiste las mejoras del nuevo Bono de Emergencia?
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers | chile |
S. Korea: NPS operated community treatment centers and temporary housing | cambrosio | (12.03.2020) At the outset of the virus infection, Daegu saw the largest increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Therefore, NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster Management Headquarters with the management of Gyeonggi International 2 Community Treatment Center that hosted patients from abroad that have relatively mild symptoms. |
covid19 | Health, Housing | korea, Republic of |
S. Korea: Use of cutting-edge ICT capabilities to support controlling the spread of the virus | cambrosio | NPS maintained coordination with the government to overcome the pandemic that has escalated to a national disaster, while leading the effort to put an end to the outbreak as a social security institution by utilizing its ICT capabilities to conduct self-monitoring of people from abroad. Additionally, it implemented the use of cutting-edge ICT capabilities to support controlling the spread of the virus. Moreover, closely coordinated with the government and used our benefit payment know-hows as well as ICT capabilities to establish paid leave compensation payment system. |
covid19 | Information and communication technology | korea, Republic of |
S. Korea: relief of contribution burden for insured | cambrosio | National Pension Service of Korea introduced the relief of contribution burden for insured: Exemption of arrears for financially challenged members: Pension contribution burden for the insured was further relieved by arrears exemption for workplaces and members that have difficulty meeting due with their arrears liabilities. Targets in special disaster areas and special employment support industries were first relieved, and measure was expanded to the rest of the country. As part of the measure, pension scheme and claim procedure were more broadly advertised to relieve the pension contribution burden on small enterprises and low-wage workers. All in all, NPS performed its part as social security institution in the fight to overcome the unprecedented economic crisis. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | korea, Republic of |
Denmark: One-time grant of DKK 1,000 | siha | Ministry of employment (16.06.2020) A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits. |
covid19, economic crisis | Cash transfers | denmark |
Sweden: New measures to strengthen care of the elderly and health care during the COVID-19 crisis | siha | (12.05.2020) The COVID-19 pandemic has affected an already strained staffing situation for health and social care, not least in care of the elderly. To improve the supply of staff and make it more attractive to seek jobs in care of the elderly, a boost for care of the elderly is being implemented that means that employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours. Central government will finance the costs for the time the employee is absent due to studies. The initiative comprises SEK 2.2 billion in 2020 and 2021. |
covid19, human resources, youth employment | Employment, Employment of young workers, Long-term care | sweden |