
Transforming livelihoods through cash transfers to more than 1.5 million families in Egypt

Submitted by monitor on (30.03.2017) Thanks to "Takaful and Karama" program, many of Egypt’s poorest families can now afford to keep their children in school and in better health. The monthly income they receive from the government is helping them buy their children food, school uniforms, and other supplies. 

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Conditional cash transfers


Databases: Non-contributory social protection programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean database

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Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes try to reduce poverty and strengthen the human capital of its beneficiaries. This database provides data on expenditure, coverage and amount of the monetary transfers, as well as detailed information on the different components of CCTs in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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Regions / Country
latin america
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type

France: Un embryon de protection sociale pour les travailleurs ubérisés

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Libération (07.05.2017) Un décret prévoit que les sites cotiseront pour les accidents du travail et la formation des indépendants qui travaillent pour eux. La disposition est loin de soulever l'enthousiasme des principaux concernés.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

Implementing successful reforms: The case of social assistance in South Africa

Submitted by monitor on (18.08.2016) South Africa’s social assistance system – through a comprehensive set of cash transfers -- covers nearly 16 million people. This is a big improvement from 1994, when cash transfers reached fewer than three million beneficiaries and suffered from discrimination and weak administration.

Social assistance
Social policies & programmes

Mikel Arriola llama a fortalecer sistemas de seguridad social de América Latina

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Excelsior (31.08.2016) Con la representación del Presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, el Director General del IMSS, Mikel Arriola, inauguró hoy la XXVIII Asamblea General de la Conferencia Interamericana de la Seguridad Social (CISS), a la que asisten representantes de 36 países de la región.

Regions / Country
latin america
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes

Panamá: El 85% de las empleadas del hogar no cotiza a la CSS

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Impresa Prensa (11.04.2016) El Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral calcula que en el país hay cerca de 90 mil personas que se desempeñan como trabajadoras en el hogar. Pero solo 13 mil 500 están inscritas en la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS). Este es un problema que se registra en todo el mundo. Los cálculos indican que casi 9 de cada 10 personas que trabajan en el sector doméstico no tienen este beneficio.

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Extension of coverage

Antigua: New social protection bill to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable

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Antigua Observer (03.09.2016) As government moves to enact the National Social Protection Bill, the country’s Minister of Social Transformation and Human Resource Development, Samantha Marshall, remains adamant that it will only benefit the poor and vulnerable.

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Extension of coverage
Shocks & extreme events

Rwanda: Govt to channel pro-poor funds through civil society

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The New Times (16.09.2016) The Government has decided to channel 10 per cent of its funding to social protection services to the poor every year through non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and faith-based organisations (RBOs) in order to maximise impact.

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Extension of coverage

Universal basic income debate gains traction in the EU

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EurActiv (26.09.2016) Against the backdrop of the “fundamental transformation of the world of work”, Commissioner for Employment Marianne Thyssen is paying close attention to “free money” experiments ahead of a discussion next year with member states on how to improve social policies.

Regions / Country
european union
Social assistance