Social policies & programmes

[Opinion] Basic Income And Social Democracy

Submitted by monitor on (11.04.2016) The idea of an unconditional basic income is in fashion. From Finland to Switzerland, from San Francisco to Seoul, people talk about it as they have never done. Twice before, basic income was the object of a real public debate, albeit briefly and limited to one country at a time. In both episodes, the centre left played a central role.

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Social policies & programmes

[Opinion] France: Protection sociale, vers un nouveau modèle ?

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blogs.mediapart (19.04.2016) Cet article sur la protection sociale est paru dans la revue "Travail, genre et société" n°35 - avril 2016. A partir de l'exemple de la modulation des allocations familiales, il montre qu'en réalité est en train de se mettre progressivement en place un nouveau modèle de protection sociale en rupture avec celui imaginé après la seconde guerre mondiale.

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Family benefits
Social policies & programmes

[Analyse] Deutschland: Altersversorgung - Was die Rente rettet

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Die Zeit (14.04.2016) Das deutsche Rentensystem ist in einer Dauerkrise. Immer weniger Beitragszahler müssen immer mehr Rentner finanzieren – auf Dauer funktioniert das nicht. Viele Menschen fragen sich deshalb: Werde ich im Alter arm sein?

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Old-age pensions
Population ageing
Social policies & programmes

Recomiendan expertos efectuar cambios en la seguridad social

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jornada.unam (13.04.2016) Postergar edad para el retiro y elevar el número de años de contribución, entre los planteamientos. La cobertura de seguridad social es una inversión que puede eliminar la pobreza y apoyar el desarrollo económico de los países, aunque los sistemas enfrentan desafíos para garantizar su sustentabilidad. Ante ello son necesarios ajustes, como postergar la edad para el retiro y aumentar el número de años de contribución, afirmó Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, secretario general de la Asociación Internacional para la Seguridad Social.

Governance and administration
Social policies & programmes

[Report] Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection to Combat Poverty and Hunger in Africa: Framework for Analysis and Action

Submitted by monitor on (11.04.2016) Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection to Combat Poverty and Hunger in Africa: Framework for Analysis and Action

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Social policies & programmes

[Opinion] Nigeria: Welcoming Buhari’s social protection initiative

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The Nation Nigeria (03.04.2016) The new social assistance programme will also enrich social contract between the state and the citizenry and create a culture of accountability and trust between governments and citizens

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Social policies & programmes

A la vista reformas a la ley para salvar Seguro Social panameño

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Estrategia y Negocios (29.03.2016) Se cree que en una década se agoten las reservas de la institución si no ocurre ningún cambio. El programa de IVM todavía no arroja déficit. Gobierno buscará diálogo nacional para inyectar más recursos a la CSS.

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Social policies & programmes

France: Déficit de la Sécurité sociale - l’effet de la crise de 2008 est presque effacé

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Les Echos (15.03.2016) Le déficit du régime général a été ramené à 6,6 milliards d’euros en 2015. Les rentrées de cotisations sociales ont été meilleures que prévu.

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Social policies & programmes

Ghana: IMANI’S review of social sector as presented in President's SONA

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Pulse (14.03.2016) This paper traces key social protection programs since 2013 as presented by the President in the State of the Nation addresses and links the outputs as described by the President to the outcomes achieved.

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Social policies & programmes