
Argentina: Congelamiento temporal de alquileres y suspensión de desalojos

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argentina.gob.ar (29.03.2020) El Gobierno Nacional resuelve suspender en todo el territorio nacional, hasta el día 30 de septiembre, el desalojo de inmuebles por falta de pago. Del mismo modo establece prorrogar, hasta la misma fecha, la vigencia de los contratos de locación cuyo vencimiento haya operado desde el 20 de marzo pasado. Se dispone a su vez el congelamiento del precio de los contratos de alquiler, debiéndose abonar hasta el 30 de septiembre el monto correspondiente al mes de marzo del corriente año.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Indonesia: Support for low-cost housing

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aseanbriefing.com (27.03.2020) The government has injected 1.5 trillion rupiah (US$104 million) into its subsidized housing program which is expected to cover financing for a further 175,000 new homes. 800 billion rupiah (US$55 million) will be used to cover interest payments with the rest going to paying for subsidies.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Hong-Kong: Goverment pays one month's rent for lower income tenants

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info.gov.hk (26.02.2020)

The Goverment will pay one month's rent for lower income tenants living in public rental units of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society, involving an expenditure of about $1.829 billion.

Regions / Country
Hong Kong, China
Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type

Opinions: Three misconceptions in the way of better housing policies

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blogs.worldbank.org (15.02.2017) While the need for housing is widespread, individually people have different needs—depending on whether they are single, married, senior citizens, families with children, or members with disabilities. Despite the best of intentions of policymakers, "a roof overhead" remains an elusive goal for a large majority of the world’s people.



Government might soon pay your house rent through vouchers in 100 Indian cities

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businesstoday.in (09.03.2017) The government at the centre is willing to share your rent. A new welfare scheme might soom come into existence where the urban-poor will be given rent vouchers that can be given out to the land lords.

Regions / Country

Opinions: Three misconceptions in the way of better housing policies

Submitted by monitor on

blogs.worldbank.org (15.02.2017) While the need for housing is widespread, individually people have different needs—depending on whether they are single, married, senior citizens, families with children, or members with disabilities. Despite the best of intentions of policymakers, "a roof overhead" remains an elusive goal for a large majority of the world’s people.



Government might soon pay your house rent through vouchers in 100 Indian cities

Submitted by monitor on

businesstoday.in (09.03.2017) The government at the centre is willing to share your rent. A new welfare scheme might soom come into existence where the urban-poor will be given rent vouchers that can be given out to the land lords.

Regions / Country