
India: Budget spend on health inadequate, says study

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Times of India (18.07.2016) A recent study undertaken by the Budget Analysis Rajasthan Centre (BARC) in collaboration with NGOs Prayas and Jan Swasthya Abhiyan has brought to fore that the budgetary allocation for health in Rajasthan is between 4.5% and 6.8% of the total budget. Not only is this woefully inadequate, what money is available is often not fully utilized. Patients were spending on health services by even selling off property ,researchers found.

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Liberia’s Health Official Urges UN To Prioritize Universal Health Coverage -

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gnnliberia (19.07.2016) Liberia’s Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah has called on the global community to prioritize the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage and ensure its achievement as outlined in the 2030 Development Agenda. He said such effort is aimed at transforming the lives of millions of less privileged people globally.

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Health insurance
Extension of coverage

France: Nice - les victimes seront «prises en charge à 100% par la Sécu» (Touraine)

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Le Figaro (17.07.2016) Lors d'un point presse à Nice, la ministre de la Santé a confirmé que "l'ensemble des personnes hospitalisées [après l'attentat de jeudi soir, NDLR] seront prises en charge à 100% par l'assurance maladie". Elle avait auparavant précisé que "la solidarité vis-à-vis des victimes [allait] se mettre en place, y compris sur le plan financier".

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Extension of coverage

Nigeria: WHO Director says universal health coverage attainable through primary healthcare

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Pulse (12.07.2016) Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, has said that Nigeria would attain Universal Health Coverage (UHC) using Primary Health Care as a too

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Extension of coverage

US: Obama Offers Ways to Improve His Health Care Law

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The New York Times (11.07.2016) After defending the Affordable Care Act in all its intricacies for six years, President Obama proposed ways to improve it on Monday, saying that Congress should provide larger subsidies for private health insurance and create a public plan like Medicare to compete with private insurers in some states.



Maroc: L’AMC+, une couverture médicale plus inclusive | L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique

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L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique (01.07.2016) La Fondation Mohammed VI de Promotion des Œuvres Sociales de l’Education-Formation a lancé ce 30 juin l’AMC+, une version améliorée de l’assurance médicale complémentaire (AMC). Pour donner le coup d’envoi à cette prestation, M. Youssef EL BAKKALI, Coordonnateur des services Administratifs de la Fondation Mohammed VI et M. Mehdi Tazi, Président Directeur Général de Saham Assurance Maroc ont procédé à la signature du nouveau contrat AMC+ qui entre en vigueur dès le 1er juillet 2016.

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Extension of coverage

Jamaica: Minister Reaffirms Universal Healthcare Access

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Jamaica Information Service (06.07.2016) Minister of Health, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says even as Government pursues creative means of financing the public-health system, it remains committed to universal healthcare access.

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Health insurance
Extension of coverage