Cash transfers

Netherlands: Additions to third support package corona |Events

Submitted by siha on (27.10.2020) Due to the corona measures, many events, such as music festivals and fairs, have been canceled. Companies and suppliers in the event industry are largely dependent on the summer months for their turnover. This fluctuation in turnover can cause a distorted picture when calculating the TVL. The cabinet is coming up with a one-off extra fee based on the TVL fee for the summer. It is expected to involve 800 event entrepreneurs, who will receive an average of around € 14,000. An amount of € 11 million has been reserved for this.

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Cash transfers
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Netherland: Additions to third support package corona | Subsidy for inventory and adjustment costs

Submitted by siha on (27.10.2020) Catering entrepreneurs have built up stocks that they can no longer use because of the temporary closure. They have also often invested in staying open in the winter in a corona-safe way, for example by covering their terrace. In addition to the Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL), the cabinet is granting a one-off subsidy to compensate for these costs, of approximately 2.75 percent of the loss of turnover, an average of € 2500. Entrepreneurs can apply for the subsidy from mid-November via the TVL application. € 40 million has been reserved for this scheme.

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Cash transfers
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Netherland: Additions to third support package corona | Temporary widening of TVL

Submitted by siha on (27.10.2020) The Fixed Expenses Allowance (TVL) is intended to help entrepreneurs pay their fixed costs, such as rent, while much less money is earned. Until now, the TVL was limited to a number of sectors, but the cabinet has decided to temporarily open the TVL to all sectors. Not only companies directly affected will notice the consequences of the government measures, but also suppliers, the transport sector and food horticu

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Cash transfers
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Italy: two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM)

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

For the months of November and December, two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM) will be paid out, starting from 400 euros, to all those who were already entitled to it and to those who, in September, had a family income of less than the amount of the benefit.

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Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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Italy: Ristori Decree: compensation for seasonal workers, workers in the sports and entertainment sector

Submitted by cambrosio on

31.10.2020 (

An allowance of € 800 (up to a maximum of € 124 million for the year 2020) will be paid (by the company Sport e Salute S.p.A.) in November 2020 to workers employed in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, amateur sports clubs and associations.
Furthermore, an indemnity of 1,000 euros is provided for seasonal workers in tourism and spas (including those with temporary contracts), entertainment workers, door-to-door salesmen.


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Global challenges
Cash transfers
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