Bosnia and Herzegovina: In-kind assistance provided to 300 returnee families in Drvar, Glamoč and Grahovo

Submitted by rmensing on

The Federation Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees has delivered packages of food and hygiene supplies to returnee families in the municipalities of Drvar, Glamoc and Grahovo. The Ministry representatives presented this assistance in the presence of the Mayor of Drvar Dušica Runic, to the local representatives of returnees.
-We have reached out to families who are very important in this type of assistance. There are a large number of returnees in Drvar, Glamoč and Grahovo. These are older families, and quite a few are with young children, so this help will come in handy, given that there is limited movement in these categories. Help is the solidarity we need more than ever. I would like to emphasize the excellent cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees. They are the only Ministry in the FBiH Government with whom we have cooperation. We also hope for future support - said Chief Runic

After the pandemic was declared, the Federal Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees began distributing aid to vulnerable categories of returnees.
-After declaring the state of the disaster, we decided to provide the families in need with the necessities of providing basic necessities of life. Today's delivery of assistance covers a total of about 2,000 returnee families in all regions where significant returns have been made. We have supported 300 families in Drvar, Glamoc and Grahovo, seeking help to reach the most vulnerable and multi-member families with children - said the ministry's federal minister for displaced persons and refugees, Edin Ramic.

measures summary

Since the pandemic was declared, the Federation Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees has delivered packages of food and hygiene supplies to returnee families in the municipalities of Drvar, Glamoc and Grahovo. 

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Global challenges
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