Investments in Childcare for Gender Equality in Asia and the Pacific

Submitted by pmassetti on
Body (01.08.2023) The provision of childcare remains patchy across Asia and the Pacific, largely due to the general lack of the statutory right to childcare. Limited access, affordability and quality mean that women’s participation in the workforce is diminished and the developmental needs of children remain underfulfilled. Children aged 0–2 are the most underserved, with mothers generally obligated to exit the workforce to care for this age group due to a lack of other options. Low-income, rural households are the worst affected, while children with disabilities have particularly compromised access to childcare services adapted to their needs. Based on examination of the provision of childcare across 48 countries in the region, this report highlights why and how investing in childcare could have positive impacts on gender equality, decent work and sustainable development in the region. It calls for greater investments in quality, accessible, affordable childcare, paired with ensuring decent work for care workers. The report furthermore provides policymakers, development partners, researchers, civil society and other care stakeholders with helpful analysis and recommendations for childcare policy and institutional frameworks for children aged 0–6 years old.

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