Bolivia: El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía

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PERIODICO BOLIVIA (05.04.2020) The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage. The municipality of El Alto, headed by the mayor Soledad Chapetón, also distributes a bonus of Bs 200 per year to 34 thousand pre-school children.

measures summary

The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage.

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The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage.

These resources will boost the municipality's economy automatically. The authority compared this figure with that assigned between 2014 and 2018 with the Bolivia Cambia, Evo Cumple program, which carried out projects worth Bs 195 million, which in many cases were “white elephants”.

Arias remarked that the new bonds will not replace those already established such as Renta Dignidad, Juana Azurduy, Juancito Pinto and for people with disabilities, which benefit 311 thousand people in the city of El Alto alone.

In addition, the municipality of El Alto, headed by the mayor Soledad Chapetón, also distributes a bonus of Bs 200 per year to 34 thousand pre-school children.

The head of Public Works pointed out that it is not only the responsibility of the national government to take prevention and fight against COVID-19, but also of the departmental and municipal governments.

Supreme Decree 4205, which regulates Law 1293 for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19), promulgated on April 1, establishes that municipalities will be able to make the necessary budgetary modifications to deal with the pandemic.

On the role of civil society, Arias reflected on the fraternities and comparsas of folkloric festivals such as Gran Poder and 16 de Julio to organize and contribute to the prevention of COVID-19.

"I ask: where are the fraternities and troupes that spend thousands of Bolivians hiring orchestras, ensembles? Why don't they show solidarity to support the neediest people in the name of God?" He told Panamericana radio.

Now is when, "either we join or we die from the pandemic," he said, after highlighting the decision of the populations of Cohana and Coroico to suspend their festivities to prevent the spread of the disease, says a press release from the Ministry of Public Works, Services and Housing.