Service Quality

Service Quality

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Welfare for Our People (Bienestar para Nuestra Gente): a social security programme for indigenous groups

The objective of the program is to work to ensure that indigenous people and vulnerable rural communities of our country fully enjoy and exercise their social security rights from an integrated perspective, through institutional action that ensures access to the National Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social – ANSES) benefits without discrimination and respecting their culture and socio-economic characteristics.

Biometrics – My fingerprint

The National Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social – ANSES) Biometric System (ABS) is responsible for validating the identity of individuals, simplifying and optimizing processes related to payment and life certificates for SIPA and non-contributory pensions beneficiaries and/or their proxies through a dynamic, secure, effective, reliable and simple technological system using biometric tools allowing fingerprints to be captured in digital form.

The system is implemented with the following functions:

Technical Cooperation Project “Modernization of Social Security of Mozambique" – Brazil and Mozambique

A project of Technical Cooperation between Developing Countries (Brazil and Mozambique) entitled "Modernization of Social Security of Mozambique", signed on December 3, 2010. Organizations involved:


  • Secretariat of Social Security;
  • National Institute of Social Security (INSS);
  • Social Security Information and Technology Company (DATAPREV);
  • Brazilian Agency for International Cooperation (ABC).


Improving the quality of and treatment at ISSSTE emergency services

The quality perceived by users of emergency services does not necessarily reflect the technical quality of the care they receive. The emotional condition of users, patients and relatives in such situations means that the degree of satisfaction perceived by them is affected by factors that are quite distinct from the medical care actually provided. This paper presents the outcome of implementing a care model aimed at influencing such areas of opportunity.

Introduction of a third-party reimbursement system

In recent years, the National Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie – CNAM) has been working to design and implement new procedures with the aim of continuously improving its benefits in order to better meet the expectations of insured persons by significantly reducing, for instance, the reimbursement period for ambulatory care expenses – a key quality objective for the CNAM.

In order to achieve this objective, the CNAM has set up a system which operates mainly at the following four levels:

Pooling of resources of the social security organizations

Mutualising resources of social security institutions is a logical consequence of a government programme aimed at simplifying procedures with a view to improving public service. The constant increase in users’ expectations has lent real impetus to the reform process. Reform at the same time has involved another major challenge: efficiency and maintaining the financial balance of the system.