This good practice arose from the need to have a register of patients with disabling diseases, in compliance with the National Development Plan issued by the Presidency of the Republic.
The system meets the Official Mexican Standards, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the Washington Survey, as it is the only screen that allows the doctor and medical personnel to simply assess, diagnose and monitor all disabling diseases automatically using the ICF and the survey, as well as record consultations with patients with a temporary disability.
It has medical modules that enable comprehensive consultations, an identification sheet, medical notes, medical records by age group and gender, graphs of vital signs, geriatric assessments and inter-consultations.
It lets you know the number, type, age, geolocation, gender, origin, disease and extent of the disability to establish specific programs, ensure adequate medical care, the medical follow-up of cases and the required technical assistance.
It issues concentrated summary reports, as well as a patient’s disability assessment certificate with a digital signature.