Information and communication technology

EU: E-health and the ‘fine line’ of big data

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EurActiv (14.12.2016) The introduction of digital technology in healthcare systems might be viewed by health stakeholders in a positive light. However, policymakers are yet to address issues related to data collection and use that are considered crucial in the management of chronic conditions like diabetes.

Information and communication technology
Document Type

Indonesia: Social protection becomes digitally integrated

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The Jakarta Post (30.07.2016) With a complete and integrated social-protection program, the ministry aims to reach 9 million low-income families and reduce the poverty rate to 9.3 percent by 2019 from the current rate of 10.8 percent, the lowest level in at least 20 years. Out of the 9 million recipients, the ministry plans to distribute non-cash aid to 2 million of them.

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Information and communication technology
Governance and administration
Social assistance


France: L'Assurance retraite, premier opérateur de la Sécurité sociale "FranceConnecté"

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News Press (08.07.2016) Pionnière, l'Assurance retraite est le premier opérateur de la Sécurité sociale et le premier régime de retraite à déployer la solution "FranceConnect" sur son site Internet. Dans le cadre du développement des services en ligne, le service public de la retraite entend bien faire du "virage numérique" une opportunité pour simplifier les démarches des Internautes tout en leur garantissant qualité de service et haut niveau de sécurité informatique.

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Information and communication technology


[Report] ILO: Future of work - Technology transforming industries critical for growth and jobs in ASEAN

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ILO/News (07.07.2016) A new study by the International Labour Organization’s Bureau for Employers’ Activities shows that the robot age is already a reality in ASEAN countries. More than 60 per cent of enterprises surveyed in the region see new technologies as a positive for increasing sales, labour productivity and employment of highly skilled workers.

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Information and communication technology

India’s first national social security platform to be developed by DeitY

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The Economic Times (17.05.2016) India's first national social security platform will be developed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), which has been entrusted with the task following the intervention of the Prime Minister's Office to end the tug of war between three central ministries.

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Information and communication technology


France: Médicaments : l'Assurance maladie s'intéresse aux startups pour dépenser moins

Submitted by monitor on (12.05.2016) La Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie (Cnam) veut "accompagner la création de services ou d'applications numériques innovantes au service du bon usage du médicament". Lors d'un "hackathon santé", mardi, elle a mis un coup de projecteur sur cinq startups travaillant sur l'amélioration de l'observance et l'optimisation des prescriptions de médicaments. Des solutions qui lui permettraient de réaliser des économies.

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Information and communication technology


El proyecto de “Informatización del Sistema Nacional de Salud en Cuba” obtuvo un premio en la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información

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Ciber Cuba (22.04.2016) La Empresa cubana de Soluciones Informáticas (Softel), que forma parte delGrupo Empresarial de la Informática y las Comunicaciones, obtuvo la categoría de Champion Project (Proyecto Campeón) en los Premios 2016 de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Información, que serán otorgados en mayo por la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT).

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Information and communication technology