Alaska Permanent Fund: A basic income is causing parents to have more kids
Vox (07.02.2020) Alaska’s small basic income is causing parents to have more kids.
Vox (07.02.2020) Alaska’s small basic income is causing parents to have more kids. (17.02.2020) Consulter un médecin par vidéo, à quelques heures de préavis. Des centaines de milliers de Canadiens ont désormais accès à ces services alors que les régimes d’assurances médicales de groupe couvrent de plus en plus la télémédecine privée. Une nouvelle brèche dans le système de santé public ?
BBC News (17.02.2020) President Emmanuel Macron's bid to radically overhaul the post-war pension system reaches the National Assembly on Monday, ahead of a long period of debate.
The Guardian (05.02.2020) A Dutch court has ordered the immediate halt of an automated surveillance system for detecting welfare fraud because it violates human rights, in a judgment likely to resonate well beyond the Netherlands. (13.02.2020) AS the country’s so-called gig economy industry continues to rise, lawmakers are pushing for measures to protect freelance workers by establishing a basic regulatory framework to enable them to anticipate challenges ahead.
L'Echo (10.02.2020) Peut-on penser sérieusement qu’une réflexion fondamentale sur le financement et l’accessibilité de la sécurité sociale pourra faire l’économie de son inscription dans une transition climatique à engager d’urgence? Peut-on découpler ces deux projets politiques?
LSE Business Review (05.02.2020) Older women are more likely to be rejected for jobs than older men, and less likely to be called for another interview than women under 45, writes Allyson Zimmermann
The Local (30.01.2020) Companies are increasingly outsourcing services, and as a result the number of self-employed workers in Germany has risen sharply. Many are learning that working one job is just not enough. (23.01.2020) Social protection systems in Latin America have experienced deep structural change in the last two decades. Policies, programmes and institutions directed at population groups characterised by low incomes and informal employment have emerged across the region.
BBC News (15.01.2020) Russia has promised greater support for parents as the country continues to struggle with a low birth rate.