
[Opinion] Welfare cuts cannot only fall on the working poor

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Financial Times (21.03.2016) David Cameron and George Osborne have repeatedly declared sinc their election victory in May that the Conservatives will govern as a “one nation” party serving all of the British people. Ten months into their second term, however, many Tory MPs feel this commitment is being seriously undermined by Mr Osborne’s position on welfare, especially as regards those of working age.

European Commission: The changing meaning of ‘working age’

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Europa (16.03.2016) Working age’ is usually defined as 15 to 64 years. This definition is for example used for the ‘old-age dependency ratio’, with people aged 65 and over being labelled ‘dependent’. However, almost five million people over 65 were in employment in 2014, a remarkable increase of 48% from 3.3 million in 2004 to 4.9 million in 2014. The employment rate of people aged 65-69 has reached 11.7%; for the entire population over the age of 65, the employment rate reaches 5.5%.

Regions / Country
european union
Old-age pensions

Nace un portal para buscar empleo a los jóvenes españoles emigrados

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El País (21.03.2016) Son jóvenes, tienen un trabajo estable y dominan otro idioma distinto a su lengua natal. Muchos de ellos salieron de España en busca de mejores oportunidades laborales y ahora, una vez superado el reto, quieren regresar. “El clima o la comida no son argumentos de peso. La verdadera razón es emocional”. Diego Ruiz del Árbol, ingeniero informático de 36 años, acaba de cumplir nueve en Berlín. Allí le acompañan su mujer y sus dos hijos y pese a ello ha sentido la soledad.

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers

Des pères américains réclament des congés paternité à la justice

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France Inter (07.03.2016) Demain 8 mars, c’est la journée de la femme. Et comme demain se prépare aujourd’hui, parlons en ce 7 mars de l’égalité homme ou femme sous l’angle du congé paternité. Il est décisif pour rétablir l’équilibre entre hommes et femmes au travail selon une enquête. Aux Etats-Unis, de plus en plus d’hommes vont même jusqu’à poursuivre leur employeur devant les tribunaux pour pouvoir en bénéficier.

Regions / Country
United States
Family benefits