Social assistance

Kyrgyzstan: The Government approved an action plan to provide social support to the population and ensure food security

Submitted by cambrosio on (30.03.2020) The Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, Muhammedkaly Abylgaziev, held a meeting, which resulted in the adoption of a plan to reduce the negative impact on economic and social stability in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection.

Regions / Country
kyrgyz republic
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Belize: Government Announces New Measures In Response To Covid-19

Submitted by cambrosio on (20.03.2020)

While Belize still has no confirmed case of the virus, the bi-partisan committee took very important decisions to further protect the health and well-being of Belizeans and reduce the threat of the virus spreading to Belize. A BZ$25M loan will be used as relief for employees affected by this crisis, especially those in the tourism industry.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Montenegro: One-off payment to pensioners and other vulnerable beneficiaries

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.03.2020) Provision of one-time assistance to the pensioners with the lowest pension and beneficiaries of material security in the amount of 50 euros each. One million euros were committed for this measure.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type

Armenia: Cash benefit to workers who lost their jobs

Submitted by mmarquez on (30.03.2020) The one-off payments announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet will benefit tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of workers who have been temporarily out of work or laid off as well as owners of small businesses forced to halt their operations in recent weeks. The aid is meant to help them buy food and meet other basic needs during the nationwide lockdown imposed in Armenia last week.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type

Armenia: Government Approves More Cash Handouts To Struggling Families

Submitted by mmarquez on (02.04.2020) The Armenian government approved on Thursday cash payments to more people who have been hit hard by economic disruptions resulting from the coronavirus epidemic. The fresh financial assistance will be provided to the underage children of those Armenians who had no officially registered jobs or businesses or did not receive poverty benefits when the unprecedented shutdowns began on March 12. Their parents will receive 26,500 drams ($52) per child.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Document Type

Paraguay: Se distribuirán kits de alimentos para jornaleros

Submitted by mmarquez on (17.03.2020) El Gabinete Social y la Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional proveerán kits de alimentos a los jornaleros que, por las medidas de aislamiento social, no podrán generar recursos para su sustento diario.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Food and nutrition


Document Type

Paraguay: Transferencia monetaria adicional al programa Tekoporã y Pensión Alimentaria de Adultos Mayores

Submitted by mmarquez on (17.03.2020) El Equipo Económico dispuso que los sectores más vulnerables, que participan del programa Tekoporã reciban el pago de una cuota adicional. Este mismo mecanismo de pago también se hará con el programa de Pensión Alimentaria a Adultos Mayores, quienes recibirán el pago de un anticipo para eta situación de contingencia.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

República Dominicana: Gobierno aumenta tarjeta Solidaridad a RD$5,000 por dos meses y añade a 690 mil familias al programa

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) “En concreto, a partir del 1 de abril, las 811,000 familias que hoy tienen la tarjeta Solidaridad y que reciben en promedio 1,500 pesos mensuales, les vamos a realizar un aumento por dos meses del componente ‘Comer es Primero’, para que dispongan de 5,000 pesos mensuales para la adquisición de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad en la Red de Abastecimiento Social”, dijo el mandatario durante el discurso.

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Family benefits
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type

República Dominicana: Distribución de alimentos para familias

Submitted by mmarquez on (25.03.2020) El Gobierno dominicano distribuirá alimentos durante la crisis de salud.  “En este momento, el Plan Social de la Presidencia está en capacidad de servir cada día a 45 mil familias con 3 raciones cada una, suficiente para nueve días de alimentación. A ese ritmo, cubrirán cada semana a 315 mil familias en todo el territorio nacional”, dijo Medina. 

Regions / Country
dominican republic
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Food and nutrition
Document Type

Argentina: Prestación no contributiva REPRO Asistencia (Decreto 332/2020)

Submitted by mmarquez on (01.04.2020) ARTÍCULO 9°.- El Programa REPRO Asistencia por la Emergencia Sanitaria consistirá en una asignación no contributiva respecto al Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino a trabajadoras y trabajadores a través del Programa de Recuperación Productiva a cargo del MINISTERIO DE TRABAJO, EMPLEO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL, para empresas no incluidas en el artículo 8° y que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 3° del presente decreto y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 4° del mismo.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type