Germany: Voluntary helpers in the health and welfare service are insured against occupational diseases (31.03.2020)
In order to relieve the burden on hospital and GP staff in particular in the current crisis, retired doctors, nurses and medical students are now being asked for support. Some have already signalled their willingness to do so.
Uruguay: Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales (24.03.2020)
Argentina: Extienden el vencimiento del subsidio por desempleo hasta el 31 de mayo (27.03.2020)
Por las dificultades para buscar y encontrar trabajo debido a las medidas de cuarentena por el coronavirus, el Ministerio de Trabajo prorrogó hasta el 31 de mayo .el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo que vencían entre el 1 de febrero y 1 de abril. El último dato oficial de febrero marcó que se abonaron este seguro a través de la ANSeS a casi 120.000 personas.
Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus | The White House
SECURING EMERGENCY RELIEF: President Donald J. Trump is signing bipartisan legislation to provide relief to American families and workers during the coronavirus outbreak. The President worked with Congress to secure bipartisan legislation that will provide emergency relief to families and small businesses that have been impacted by the coronavirus. This unprecedented relief package totals more than $2 trillion. The CARES Act provides much needed economic relief for American families and businesses who are hurting through no fault of their own.
Algérie: Le ministère du travail appelle les citoyens à éviter les déplacements aux instances et agences relevant du secteur (21.03.2020)
Portugal: Financial support for childcare for employees and self-employed (13.03.2020)
Coronavirus: So lässt sich das Infektionsrisiko für das Fahrpersonal senken — BG Verkehr
Der Güterkraftverkehr und andere in der BG Verkehr versicherte Branchen der Verkehrswirtschaft nehmen in der derzeitigen Lage eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Gütern und Waren unterbrechungsfrei gewährleistet ist. Dazu müssen sich Mitarbeitende der Unternehmen auch in Risikogebiete begeben. Aufgabe der Unternehmen ist es, die Mitarbeitenden bestmöglich vor einer Infektion durch das Coronavirus zu schützen.
Coronavirus, doctors, nurses and health care workers are covered by INAIL
ROME - The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work. Iinsurance protection also extends to cases in which the identification of the specific causes and working methods of the infection is problematic.
Panama: Ejecutivo reduce temporalmente la jornada de trabajo ante pandemia de COVID-19 (13.03.2020)