Costa Rica: Reducción de jornada laboral (23.03.2020) El decreto legislativo No. (23.03.2020) El decreto legislativo No.
swissinfo (25.06.2020) A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19.
If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes – is alerted via the app to isolate themselves and get tested.
Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld (12.06.2020) An application for a grant has been opened in accordance with Act no. 38/2020 . The operators that were made to cease their activities according to the Minister of Health's announcement of restrictions on epidemics can apply for closure grant
Labor (28.04.2020) The option for full time workers to move to part-time with government support will be extended to 31 August, from its original finish date on 1 June. The livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees have been protected since this support measure took effect, but the economic outlook has changed markedly in the month or so. The part-time option allows employees to reduce their hours or salary to as low as 25%, or 50% from July onwards, and top up their earnings with support from the Government.
Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (11.03.2020) From April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, the insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the conditions may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. The insurance premium and labor retirement pension of 6 months of labor from February 2020 to July 2020 from the expiration date of the grace (limitation) period may be postponed for half a year. No late fees will be levied during this period.
The Directorate of Labor (27.04.2020) The Directorate of Labor handles the implementation of the Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine. The Act applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Employees who have quarantined but have not been paid by their employer can also apply for payments under the Act. In addition, self-employed persons can apply for the payments. Applications for quarantine payments were opened on 5 May 2020.
Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (20.04.2020) The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each person will receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan per month, which will be paid for three months at a time, totaling 30,000 yuan. Those who meet the application qualifications should apply to their professional trade unions from April 20, 2020 to May 22, 2020.
Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred contributions will be paid on 24 months starting from October 2020. (03.06.2020) La Ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social puntualizó que, como ha informado el Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios (MFP), los trabajadores autónomos se acogen a varios beneficios entre los que sobresalen la prórroga del registro de contribuyentes, el aplazamiento del pago de tributos y la suspensión del pago de los tributos de los trabajadores contratados. Estas medidas se dijo inicialmente que serían válidas hasta el 30 de abril y luego hasta el 30 de mayo. Se aclaró por el MFP que estas medidas se mantienen mientras dure la situación epidemiológica. (03.06.2020) Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda.
Reiteró que la garantía salarial es del 100% del salario básico el primer mes y del 60% a partir del segundo mes.
Destacó que el trabajo a distancia es una modalidad que llegó para quedarse, bajo la cual laboran actualmente 627 mil 855 trabajadores.